A little bit of positivity + import. message


So, as some of you may, or may not know. I don’t have a job atm. I’ve been getting some stuff here and there but nothing ‘official’ (alsodesignjobsatmycityare)


anyway, i’ve been opening drawing comissions since december to earn some money, is not much, but it feels nice to have your own. Last time I opened for Valentine’s day didn’t really work, so that kinda got my mood down and I stopped drawing for a few months.


but now I’m back on track! Opened comissions again and I’ve been blessed with such wonderful people asking for drawings!! I even sent some stuff out (still getting the hang of that, so I can’t really ship that much yet, plus is SUPER expensive ;;;; ), anyway!! I’m super happy! I feel so happy working again even if is just a little bit or for a few days. I don’t make much money, but makes me happy ;;;;


i guess I just wanted to share this feeling with you! And to say this too: if you have a a friend who sells food or crafts, is opening a restaurant or starting a new busines; buy something from them, it helps a lot, even if is just a little thing; if you can’t buy something from them at said moment, share their stuff, social media, tell people about them~! It’ free and it helps sooo much, we are so grateful for it, even if it’s just sharing a post on facebook <3333


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bluebelle 4 years ago
lemme support you unu
i wanna buy something.
astraltia 4 years ago
/smooches your Instagram.
I should draw more.....
toblerone 4 years ago
Can I see your art ٩( ᐛ )و
_rainy 4 years ago
Keep it up boo I know more than anyone else how hard it is to find a job you like
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