so i decided: let's make a loona game

Tags stanloona 




i bought rpg maker mv yesterday (it is on sale for 75% off till july 9th on steam so !! if you want it you should definitely get it)

and i've always wanted to make an exo rpg and a loona rpg


AND I'M MAKING Both,,, but i'm starting on the loona one. i am kinda obsessed, i just wanna spend all day everyday making it but for now i'm only just starting. it's quite complicated at first but once you get the hang of it's really easy


anyways, yeah


my idea is to follow the loona theory but base it in rpg times. so there will be parties and such and magic and FUN. i also have a fanfic i really want to make into a game aaannnd i'm sO EXCIted

so most of you probably don't care but i just wanted to share it


if people do care i will post updates and maybe even the game? just so people can try it out : D

sooo yeah





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