Moody rant


I'm honestly moody af

but it's probably the lack of sleep :')


I'm just tired af about all the face-chase and damn user-chase. Because of many different reasons that I won't list here bc then you wouldn't hear the end of me.


90% or roleplays go by the "absolute no face-chase" yet, if you have been here for any amount of time, you will notice and is not that hard to see all the face chase


can people let other people get close, make friends, develop rs without having to shove themselves and trying to snatch them away? :')

I don't claim myself to be innocent of this (I'm sure everyone has done it at least once in their rp lifetime) I've done it but at least I try to make it happen naturally. Instead of grabbing every chara in every rp. We all have our faves, and ships, but the level of face-chasing is I N S A N E

I'm exhausted:') bc you don't even get to rp peacefully with these people that are being chased and with the people that chase bc they are just looking for their own rs.


 sometimes i want to open a rp and be soff and happy with it,  but don't do it because of this reason alone (and many others)



i should try to get some sleep, if i manage to


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The_WeenieJr 4 years ago
I hate this. most of the time you can't even open a successful rp because all people do is userchase rp owners. how do you even compete?
-dreamingofyou- 4 years ago
It really does but ive gotten so ussed to it at this point cause theres nothing that can really be done :/
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