
Tags fighting 

We wouldn't argue if you would ing do in your own ing house, you ing .

And threaten me with turning the internet off when I'm the only one that does /ANYTHING/ in /YOUR/ ing house?!

Excuse me for not wanting to be the only one to do anything or wash dishes 24/ing/7!

You ing . And then get mad at me for snapping at you. Go to ing hell.

Oh wait! You're already going there!



End of rant...

(was about my sister... no one on here...)


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unrevealed 4 years ago
ouch, hopes youre fine by now
-Faeya 4 years ago

Wish I could help babe
YeosangsPonytail 4 years ago
Ughh I’m sorry!! I completely know how that is (my step mom *cough cough*

But I’m open if you you need to vent!’
eca9dfd2934e3d693b1f 4 years ago
Sending you all the good vibes, my dear.
I'm sorry to hear today is one of those days.
16b11292d1e6cbbd9027 4 years ago
You okay, doll..?
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