I wonder sometimes


If I left would I be happier... I've been wondering more and more if I left would I be happier not if anyone else would be happier or more upset. I'm starting to worry about myself more than others, which really isn't like me I always worry about more people than myself. 



This is basically me thinking about leaving rpr, I just feel insignificant now and I feel like it has changed so much and my experience is ruined because of a group of others on this site. I'm just maybe better off leaving everything behind. And I really don't wanna go because I have friends on here that I care a lot about. I'm a co admin in rps that I wouldn't feel right if I just abandon them. But everyday I log on I get this uncomfortable feeling in my head and my stomach because of sometning that happened 4 years ago on here and I can't even explain anything to what happened. Then I had the scare a little while ago where I disappeared because of my mental health. I was in a seriously bad place and it was because of this site.



now I can walk away from here and be free for myself, but what about others, my friends, who need me or want me here. I don't wanna leave them behind, like how others have left me over the years. I'm just really tired of wondering and being paranoid about something so insignificant and letting it ruin my job at work even. My whole life I've wanted to help people and now I'm trying to help myself? I dunno anymore, I don't know how to ask for help the right way I guess..


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rantani 3 years ago
your health comes before anything so do what you think will be best for yourself!
if your friends are true friends I'm sure they would say the same!
you can always find ways to keep in touch with friends that's not rpr and I do agree rpr did change drastically from when I first joined too in 2013.. but you know what's best for you and I'm sure your friends will support your decision either way!
popcornyhx 3 years ago
baby do what's best for you
you're so so so important to so many of us and guess what that means?
that means if what is better for your mental state is leaving rpr then that is okay
we have other ways we can talk to you--
you should worry about yourself
i think it's a good thing you're starting to put yourself first
because you /should/ put yourself first
you're so so so important to me and to your other friends here but---
that means that we would understand if you left rpr for your own sake
i've got nothing but love for you bubs <3
JiwoosGxnshot 3 years ago
You're not insignificant!
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