Psychology test (Stolen from AFF)

Tags quiz 


1. You are walking in the woods. Who are you walking with?
My three best friends e u e. (norbert, shyanne,del)
2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal is it?
Hmm a deer~^^
3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal?
My friends would have pushed me to it and i would have touched it o u o
4. You walk deeper into the woods. You enter a clearing and before you is your dream house. Describe its size.
Hmm 2  to 3 floors ouo umm 3 masterbed rooms and i guess 6 guest rooms ouo and 3 bathrooms with the master bed rooms and 4 other bath rooms in the house and a pretty kitchen and living room and a big huge walk in closet for me eue
5. Is your dream house surrounded by a fence?
yesh ouo
6. You enter the house. You walk to the dining area and see the dining room table. Describe what you see on and around the table
food, flowers a nice thing covering the table whuts it called oh yeah a cloth ouo
7. You exit the house through the back door. Lying in the grass is a cup. What material is the cup made of (ceramic, glass, paper, etc.)?
Umm glass
8. What do you do with the cup?
First i check whats in there. 
9. You walk to the edge of the property, where you find yourself standing at the edge of a body of water. What type of body of water is it (creek, river, ocean, etc...)
hmm a river
10. How will you cross the water?
Hmm idk eue
This has been a relational psychology test. The answers given to the questions have been shown to have a relevance to values and ideals that we hold in our personal lives. The analysis follows:
1. The person who you are walking with is the most important person in your life.
Hahahaha ^^ yes they are to me ~ <3 but also my parents and family <3
2. The size of the animal is representative of your perception of the size of your problems.
O - O so..... My problemis a size of a deer (?) 
3. The severity of the interaction you have with the animal is representative of how you deal with your problems (passive, aggressive).
So.... I try to fix it or solve it (?) ._.
4. The size of your dream home is representative of the size of your ambition to resolve your problems.
O u O 
5. No fence is indicative of an open personality. People are welcome at all times. The presence of a fence is more indicative of a closed personality. You'd prefer people to not drop by unannounced.
LOL IDK i just wanted a fence so no people who are trying to hurt me will get in OAO.
6. If your answer did not include food, people, or flowers then your are generally unhappy.
O n O; does only food and flowers count to (?)
7. The durability of the material with which the cup is made is representative of the perceived durability of your relationship with the person from number 1. For example, styrofoam, plastic, and paper are disposable; Styrofoam, paper, and glass (ceramics) are not durable; and metal and plastic are durable.
8. Your disposition of the cup is representative of your attitude toward the person in number 1. 
Does it mean that I dont trust them ? OAO NO I TRUST THEM K
9. The size of the body of water is representative of the size of your ual desire.
10. How wet you get in crossing the water is indicative of the relative importance of your life.
wtf...... - u -


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