I cried when he disconnected T.T

Status [M]

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like .

You: Hi

Stranger: Hi :3

You: :3 how are you?

Stranger: Awesome~ You?

You: I'm very very gooooooodd~ :)

Stranger: Good! >u< So, what're you on this tag for?

You: roleplay? or finding friends as well :)

Stranger: Hey! :3 You're the 1st person I've connected with all day who's here for roleplay too. XD))

You: oh my god! we're the same what's your name btw?

Stranger: Oh, it's Sam~

You: Of I'm Hyunjae but i prefer being called Jhan internationally :)

You: ps. e mail me @ [email protected] if ever this gets disconnected. :)

Stranger: Cool! :3 And I will.~

So, you wanna roleplay? :3

You: Yesh please~ please~

You: do not disconnect~ it's hard to find ppeople like you

You: ^3^

Stranger: Woo! X3 You wanna start?
I won't!

You: You start :3

Stranger: Oh! What should we do, then?

You: plot? ? bestfriends? uhmm anything's fine with me

Stranger:  works~ Mind if it's short?

You: no it's ok :)

Stranger has disconnected.




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