So here's how it goes...


I have this major project for my Multimedia subject. And I need to pick a source of power that can be filmed for 5 minutes. Here are some of the themes I have thought of.

- The Power or Fangirls/Fanboys.
- The Power of Kpop.
- The Power of Music and what it can do to your emotions (hormones).
- The Power of Disney.
- The Power of Anime/manga.
- The Power or Love.

But yeah, thats all i've got so far. Lemme know what you guys think I should do and i'll probs do it.

Okay bye.


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GIZIBAE 9 years ago
the power of music, so then you can also include kpop e u e
sugardaddysuho 9 years ago
Lol the power of fangirls and fanboys would be really cool
halfaheart 9 years ago
the power of music could be interesting
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