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Okay... so here i am... just ranting... well just throwing my thoughts out there honestly. Why? Because I need to. I dont like the feeling of being ignored.. at all. Im sure no one does. But anyhow it just really bothers me how I always get ignored by everyone at school. Everyone says hi to autumn but they never say hi to me... and everytime there is other people even if i try to get in the concersation they completely ignore me. Not only that but autumn ignores me as well when there are other people around. Im a very sensitive person.. so this hurts my feelings a lot. I feel like people dont like me. I know its dumb but i just wish for once people would include me in sometimes and say hi to me. It makes me wanna cry..


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freaknastae 9 years ago
I know how you feel. ;; But yooo- I and other people on rpr are most definitely here for you. o/
plusle 9 years ago
It is not dumb that you feel like that!
I know, Minun complains about the same thing because I'm the one who gets most of the attention, so I know what you mean.
I would say that we are here for you, but we're not in person...so I don't know if we count! x.x
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