Don't Ever Join this Roleplay

Tags badrp 

So, a few weeks away, I joined a masterXslave roleplay, because i love masterxslave!aus. And you have no idea how disappointed I was.

The idea itself is not something new, but its not bad, so I joined. (Before i forget, Amethyst House of Slaves by blackveildoll is the RP's name and link)

First thing i noticed - there wasn't a figured set of rules, especially not a points system. The Slaves were promoted based on the liking of the Headmistress Hyoyeon. Which is subjective and unfair, since everyone basically had to her ss if they wanted to get promoted.

And EVERYONE wanted to get promoted, because in the first stage of being a Slave (called "") includes starving, freezing to death and being tortured physicalyl and mentally.

Now, don't get me wrong, I've been in other RPs of this sort. I am not weak of heart. I know is not very gentle, but this is outrageous. No respectfull whorehouse will treat it's slaves in that way. After all, they are the House's product, they have to be representative of the House. And freezing, bloodied and generally shabby products are not very... pleasing.

Furthemore, the head admin takes no criticism, she is forgetful and judgemental. She tried to make an event, didn't post an announcement about it, and didn't explain a lot.

Furthermore, she is changing the rules to suit her. Example: there was a rule against pregnancies and babies - BAM she gets pregnant and the rule is now changed so that there can be babies. Babies. BABIES IN A HOUSE! Think about it.

It is also supposed to be a 3rd PoV RP, but they don't post more than 3 lines, which is pathetic. And the main admin is not fluent in english, but that I could forgive, if she as trying at least. Which eh is not.

Last but not least, the head admin doesn't clead her own - instead she sends out minions to do the dirty work and frighten up the players that she doesn't like. Which is low.

I can go on like this forever, but those were the main points (plus, i'm absent-minded too xD). Just, whatever you do guys - DO NOT JOIN THAT ROLEPLAY! 


You'll thank me later.


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spookyxxx 4 years ago
Damn...four years later and this still doesn't bother me. Things are a hell of a lot different than it was four years ago! I'm kinda surprised that this post is even still up, if you ever wanna do-over you're more than welcome to come back, I'd be more than willing to try again if you are.
Angel110 9 years ago
omg, how everyone is bashing xD the last point is really low and makes her not likable .-.
Linguini [A] 9 years ago
Keep the hate coming, sweethearts, it just boosts the post ^^
--Phantom 9 years ago
I am an admin there. This is uncalled for. It was my choice too to allow children and marriage and all the other admins okayed it, as well as other people took a poll on it. The event was purposed over a week ago to you guys in an announcement so if you didn't see it, thats not our fault. it's not a perfect roleplay but nothing is perfect. My roleplays, Hold Me Up Against The Wall and Passion and Pleasure, are not perfect either but I try my best to make it enjoyable. We haven't gotten hardly any complaints except from you. HMUATW has been around for two years and its still far from perfect, its a roleplay that allows everything including children but do we allow the children to be played there, no. We are figuring out ways in Amethyst to make it better but encouraging people to hate our roleplay just because you had a bad experience there, affects me, the other admins and the roleplayers. I admit HA made a mistake but to do this is uncalled for and very childish expecially to point out she had horrible English (which is soo rude), so do I and I was raised in america. Please don't make this mistake again, grow up as well.
SungJewel 9 years ago
Is the system of the roleplay perfect?
No, and frankly, I don't know any roleplay that has a perfect system. But for a to be promoted, from what I have seen, it is NOT only based on the decision of the Head Admin.

But I find it very DISRESPECTFUL to encourage other people to not to join for that should be their own decision.
Ability 9 years ago
Okay so, I was just kidding...
You guys just need to chill.
I get it if that's your friend but
you guys are getting to butthurt
about this like please grow up.
Everyone has they're own opinion.
almondchan 9 years ago
Commenting and judging a role play is one thing, but encouraging other role players to not join this rp, because you are not satisfied with it, is very immature.
Zitao_Baby_Panda 9 years ago
You need to shut your mouth! If you don't like it that's all you have to say. Stop talking about the admin because she's a great admin. You're being immature and acting like a middle schooler, grow up! Seriously telling people not to join, that's being a total by saying that!
kittenprincess 9 years ago
You know, I could be upset about this, but I'm not. If you didn't like my RP you could have just said so instead of posting something childish like this. I've heard worse comments than this before, so it doesn't phase me. If it makes you feel better to bully people, then go right ahead.
Ability 9 years ago
block that ! cx
imaginatorgurl 9 years ago
Omg thanks for the information orz that admin sounds like a terrible admin -.-
tangerines 9 years ago
that username sounds very familiar to me e n e
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