• ↱ APRIL SHOWERS ↲ :// new roleplay - which one first?

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Roleplays + Ideas // Plz Read
Okay, so I plan on opening a new roleplay in about a month but I'm stuck on deciding which one to open first. I'm just asking now so I can work on it over the month before actually taking it off draft mode. So, if you're interested, please go on and read. 
◐ S E L E C T I O N ◑ - Supernatural Demons & Angels RP // [M]
From the very moment a human is born they are assigned an angel or a demon, depending on which species reaches them first. In some very rare cases they may even have both. The Angel or Demon assigned to them has to carry out a specific task. For Angel's it's to bring the human to the light and have them completely give themselves up to Heaven. A Demon's purpose is to somehow convince the human to take their own life and become a monster just like them in Hell. Either way, the chosen humans do not have a say in any of these matters. They can only live as their life becomes controlled by one force or the other. // With a deadly war brewing between the forces of Heaven and Hell, both species of the lands are trying to recruit humans to their cause. Those living on Earth believe the rise in deaths to be caused by pollution and global warming, when in reality it is the beginning of a battle humankind has seen on no scale before.

B O D Y ♢ T R E A S U R E - Futuristic RP // [M]
In the year 3021 times have changed. Any and all religion is almost non-existent, robots accompany you in daily life and is but commonplace. // Slavery was reintroduced to the world in the year 2703, and not just for work anymore. Slaves were bred not only to help businesses and serve the wealthy, but many were also trained in . Most if not all slaves are expected to have some form of education after they are "enrolled" into the school. // The School is just a cover up for a much deeper and dark side of the new slave trade. Many of the wealthy and middle-class see nothing wrong with this invasion of humans rights as owning slaves is only normal. // In a world run on slavery and is there anywhere to go but up?

〈 POKE •° PUFFS 〉— 。- A Pokemon Themed RP // [E for Everyone]
POKEPUFFS is a Pokemon themed roleplay featuring in game battles and the ability to go on your own Pokemon journey. Unlike the actual games You'll receive your first Pokemon at the age of 18 and start your journey there. This roleplay will include a unique battling system as well as contests and special events.

 • ↱ DIVIDED ↲ :// - A Vampire RP // [M]
The world of Vampires is divided in two between the daybloods and the nightbloods. Daybloods have sun-born genes, allowing them to be exposed to sunlight but not hurt by it. It comes in varying levels as well. Some Daybloods can stay In the light for only an hour while others with strong sun-born genes can stay outside the entire day. // However, although daybloods possess this wonderful ability they are looked down upon by the tradition Nightbloods. No vampire is sure if this discrimination is out of practice or Jealousy. Daybloods are considered only tools in vampire society. They are married off to Nightbloods in order to create strong offspring able to stand the sun. // The only creatures looked at as lower than the Daybloods are the humans which populate Vampiric land, willingly or not, to give them their blood.

「folie á deux」— 。shared insanities - A Mental Asylum RP // [M]
In this world there is a special mental institution for those with a specific set of problems Known as Folie 
Á Deux. This condition is one where two people, essentially soulmates, share the same exact form of mental disorder, in varying degrees. Meaning, one may have it stronger than the other. The only way to tell if these people have Folie Á Deux is the recurring thought both of them have. Every pair is different, in the sense that each pair sees different things. At Mort Á la Vie Mental Institution we seek to help those in this horrible predicament. // Pairs are placed together in small houses dotting the property of the facility, a personal doctor living just next to these houses to monitor their progress and administering help when needed. Other than that, those plagued by Folie Á Deux are left to fix the rest on their own. Some manage to pick themselves up and escape the disease, others wallowing together in madness. 
Some of these roleplays were transferred to me by one of my friends who doesn't roleplay anymore. So if it's an idea you've seen before, don't be alarmed! ;u; I haven't stolen anything. 

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!





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LaysChips 8 years ago
ooooh Folie A Deux, Divided and Selection sounds so interesting! Specially Selection- xD
Youloveit 8 years ago
Body treasure sounds awesome tbh
3a2edd531e8995db8a99 8 years ago
give the poor babe the pokemon rp

230715 8 years ago
omg pokemon- omg
xGummyPandax 8 years ago
Omg these are all so cooooool!
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