Warning oh my god, I rambled in this and tbh idk I really should shorten my posts but I got pretty emo and just felt like talking. SoOooOoo, open this bullshet at your own risk. Nothing important, just thoughts at 5 p.m.

I can honestly say that I think every person on this site should experience main-adminning at least ONCE before they leave RPR. It's such a humbling experience; one filled with moments of strength and others of self-doubt. It tests your limits at the forefront of 'the eye' (a.k.a the focus others exude on you and the pressure that occurs as a subsequence). 

It's something I used to be SUPER afraid of, and that fear carried over into every rp I've made. No matter how much experience I was gaining, I couldn't help but feel like each rp I opened was the very first.

But I'm so happy to say that those moments were for SOMETHING. I looked back today and realized that, if nothing else, I actually learned...

"Freaky Friday" — my very first rp and soul-switching semi-AU.
It taught me patience and the age-old truth that adminning isn't easy. More than anything, it taught me NOT to delete rps without warning... #oops

"Neon" - my first non-AU, an rp with an emphasis on the dull reality of idol life.
This rp taught me, for one thing, that I'm 230482304% not cut out to own/operate non-AU's. Period.
It also taught me of the struggles in creating and promoting an rp under an account no one knows... e u e;;;

"Baepsae Uni - [B.U]" - my first AU, a college-based rp that reawoke that sleeping theme.
God, this rp taught me the most. I still think back to it and shudder, all amidst the bittersweet smiles in remembrance of good times.
That rp, more than anything, caught me what it means to have thick skin... that I shouldn't care for what everyone says.
It taught me that there's a fine line between diligence and outright 'people-pleasing'.
And learning it brought me the sort of solace I carry with me even now.

"Moonscent" - my first -only rp, a school-based wolf AU.
My longest-standing rp (thanks to those that took it over) and my one featured rp (within 3 weeks of its opening tbh man).
I gained a lost a few friends in this place, but overall, I can't associate anything predominantly negative with it...
I did learn, though, to ALWAYS rp your muse. Nothing's more awkward than sticking yourself to a face-claim you're not entirely into.
Don't always sacrifice your comfort for other people.

"Cramily" - a show-based semi-AU and the start of my hideous 'portmanteau words' (combining 2 words to make a new one).
This rp always gave me a similar feel to the non-AU's I'd joined and loved. It was crackish and zany, as I'd intended it to be.
All at once, I was privy to realizing that I needed more rping going on than I was receiving.
Through this rp, I re-emphasized that you can't allow others' perceptions to deter you. 

"Polterghost" - another school-based AU with a ghost hunters twist.
This rp is one that I look back on, even now, with such regret.
Not for making it, but for closing it so prematurely. This place taught me not to judge the proverbial 'chatroom silence'.
It allowed me to see the importance of 'weeding out' those who don't intend to gain the most of an rp experience, and to let go.
It also taught me that bonds and experiences are what matter in an rp... not so much the rp, itself.

"Inncognito" - my -only witness protection AU, currently running.
I'm still watching this one... Still maintaining it and keeping an eye on things.
I don't know how long it'll last, but I'm super determined to keep it running for as long as I can.
I'm excited to reveal each and every feature, and motivated enough to add games and events. And ohmygod the storyline...
Even if people go silent, even if they leave, I've got so much in store for this place.
However long it lasts, I can't wait to learn something from it too.

So thank you...
Any of you who've been with me on this journey of main adminning.
I know we've had rough patches but, , it's great to look back and see how far we've all come.

I finally watched "Spring Day" and--- while I was elated with the song and expecting others to be too--- I was saddened to see that 23082340% of the comments were about Hobi's lack of solo lines. orz 

I mean, I get it. As someone who stans that boy, I think he should've been handed a bit more opportunity too. But guys, r e a l l y? He's had plenty of verses in other songs and he SLAYED their last comeback. This isn't BTS's final track--- there will be other chances. And be aware that BTS, themselves, are the ones to approve of their own songs. BigHit knows what it's doing, so let's have a little faith?

Idk, I'm just tired of people blaming Jungkook or the vocal line when WE KNOW they'll switch distributions in the live performances anyway. 

He sounded GORGEOUS as back-vocals... Gave this airy, angelic feel that wouldn't have the same effect on its own. I totally agree though that his voice is BEAUTIFUL and that he should sing more. ;u; Let's just leave that as a future project, yeah?

In the meantime, let's not give the antis something to work with... That song is so damn emotional and stunning. Can we NOT focus on who has what lines for once? Same case with Seungri and "Loser". He's playing a part that, while it may not be entirely satisfying, it's effective and it's beautiful.


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114bdfb25ab093a168b0 7 years ago
I lead real time people -- aka the time where my ability to help others landed me in a do or die and. Lol. I never want to be that helpful again u w u
Happy Valentine's Day (if you've your boi or gurl to celebrate with that is e u e)
JCH21753 7 years ago
I joined Baepsae... then Moon Scent... and now Inncognito. o/
starlost 7 years ago
i remember seeing freaky friday when i first joined rpr. then baepsae. and then i joined moonscent.
oooh the memories.
SeHYUNG 7 years ago
I've been in all of these except for the first two because they were before my time
-skillet 7 years ago
I never was a head admin tbh
I did co admin before but they are a few as well. I should really try but idk the fact that rp is basically dead makes me afraid it'll flop within a few days and i dont wanna do it if that will happen tbvh
reeperbahn 7 years ago
i'm working on my first main admining rp ;w; who knows if i'm ever going to open it tho
Bowrair 7 years ago
I tried main adminning...and I made that mistake of deleting it too early as well as giving in too much to others.
So I admire you for at least living through the problems and not giving into people-pleasing. I have a long way to go but...
great job for keeping swimming no matter what /thumbs you up Bc I can at least admire that about you/
EnchantingNightmare 7 years ago
Aw... Baepsae.
That's when we first met mama
psychologist 7 years ago
I remember main admining a few but the most memorable were def the days of co-admining the asylum au "Sweet Nightmares Asylum" (2013-2015(?)) and "Freaks and Geeks Academy" (2013- early 2016)
tangerines 7 years ago
I rememeber opening my first rp like 2 days after rpr opened
It was the best experience ever
Im too afraid to open another one
My past 2 failed and i wish i could revamp them but who knows
Also wow ive been in a lot of yohr rps rip
-jewel 7 years ago
How many did I co admin Orz...
Everme29 7 years ago
Yeah I remember most of those I'd have to say Baebsae was your most popular one bby~
shimada 7 years ago
amadeus 7 years ago


yeh i dont remember any of this

except inncognito ofc

xicewolf 7 years ago
*squints at the name Moonscent*
Bruh, I'm still there X'D


And Spring Day was still pretty good ♥
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