13 REASONS WHY , yay or nay ?


anyone saw the show ? i want to start watched it , i watched the trailer and it looked kinda good ? but i heard people saying it's so .... anyone saw it ? is it good ?


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andalasia 7 years ago
The trailer honestly seems so amazing welrkjlblwer I watched it this morning and it made me want to try the series, so I'm planning on starting episode 1 soon. Two of my friends who watched it said that it was alright though, and one read the book whereas the other didn't but said it was decent. I'm kind of excited though, and the soundtrack is A+++
-jewel 7 years ago
For someone who didn't read the book I really liked it...
The subject matter is very current and I feel like this could happen at a high school in today's day in age. But its an emotional ride you will change after watching I feel like... but my friends who read the book say that it didnt change them because the book already changed them.
75bd8d51488fd100f027 7 years ago
I didnt know the story until the show. Only saw one episode but producers are REALLY full frontal on the dark details so its a little too uncomforting even for me because I watch Law & Order SVU. Just heads up if you do watch it, prepare for everything to be seen.
Ji-hyun 7 years ago
It's pretty good, well at first it's a bit weird because of the perspective but just give it a try
xicewolf 7 years ago
Some people are saying it's (like me) because it doesn't match the book. So watch it if you want, but if you've read the book and wanna watch the series, be ready for some changes. I refuse to watch this series because I loved the book and a friend told me about how it's different.
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