Personal Message

AGE / 129



When Daehyun falls from grace, not even for a second he regrets his decision to work with the Morning Star, Lucifer. He may have not known the angel as well as some of the other fallen angels but he knows the former angel goals. He admires him. Knowing that the fallen angel will fall from grace to fight this war, fight against the people he loved, honestly it’s inspiring. Inspiration does not guarantee a victory and that was Lucifer’s downfall. It’s the most disappointing but it was expected. He was fighting a losing war but he does not regret.

Earth is weird. Amongst the mortals… It’s very weird. He gotten used to it, he has, but for the longest of periods he couldn’t but feel an itch on his skin. He sometimes, still has this itch on his skin. Seeing the blood, hatred, and murder around him is nothing like Heaven. Heaven had its choir of angels singing and in Earth, you have the choirs’ of screams in a back alley doing who knows what.

There’s a lot of questions mortals ask him, and he realized he has to be part of society. To be the generic number to the statics of employment. It’s fine. He doesn’t care he works at Apple Tech Support. It’s a fun job. Being in a cubic all day, rolling around the rolly chairs, and listening to the angry calls and offering help. It could be worse.

He’s awkward though, just because he has IQ of 200 doesn’t mean he’s smart. He has one weakness, everyone has one, and it’s what makes life interesting, new, and appealing. Daehyun Jung has his weakness and his weakness is being smart around people.