
Park Jinyoung


Foreign Delta of Oceanic Pack

Homoual + Demiual ( Act like a dom but he is a sub. )

Like flirting on other, quite playful, mostly his mind flows with ideas, tricks and strategies when it comes to intense situation especially wars, really busy, somehow like to walk around other territories, a helper and not quite good when it comes to someone who close to him cries. 

He owns a water cloud which has its own brilliant and it flows the same energy as Jr does. This talent is what makes him little bit special from the others including his alpha because there is no one who can create such a thing except himself and his former delta master. Jr mostly uses his water cloud to go somewhere else if his lazy mood is on and if he is with his cloud and he is angry, his cloud feels the same and begins to activate its protection mode. But this kind of situation is really rare. You can say that  Jr's water cloud is his little own protection. Probably if Jr is in brutal injured state in extremely intense situation, his cloud engulfs him in order to protect Jr until Jr wakes up unless Jr gives an order to his cloud to whom it should protect on.