Personal Message

juan was here C:

chae juan [A] 2 minutes ago Reply 

of course I support you, boo. you're my enrique carlito baby boostastu- u v u
jeon wonwoo 1 minute ago Reply
it's seungqueen
kim sooyoung [A] 8 seconds agoReply
oc boo bc you a lovabool human being

se what i did there- hah
1000th post dedication

+ jeon wonwhoa / persephassa
- my bruh thanks for always being truthful about me being the queen, having a beautiful and being the diva that i am. shot. my bruh go and make babies with yoojung and make one of your sons name from my name. iwuvyu.
+ jung antonio jaehyun / yxgurt
- i dunno if you still active here bruh but hwamin really liked you. killeded. youre awesomely nice and you cool. get your here soon. o u o iwuvyu.
+ kim pandagyu mingyu / mushymushroom
- MINGPANDA. omg u and i are still standing svt bradars here. even though you wont admit u love me, iwuvyu.
+ kwon hoeshi / wangaddict
- you're new but we hit it off. this boo misses you. i wuv u bruh. o u o
+ mu xinghao / lipslikesuga-
- WER DA FOK IS OUR MULAN MUSICAL- on o. anyway- sleep keed seriously
and you is awesome. but im awesomer. killeded. iwuvyuverimuch.
+ yoon fokin ex hoe jeonghan / fuego-
- i hate you for just coming back now and o love you for inviting me ooc to have lunch with you next weekend. but still f u for disappearing for what 3 weeks? e n e o wuvyu tho.
+ chae JUAN hyungwon / sevendays
- let me start this off with... i wuv yu very much juan. < 3 and thank you for giving me my birthname enrique carlito baby boostastu. o u o i wuuuuuuuv yuuuu
+ choi smol yoojung / illusory
- my smol yoo. go make babies w wonwoo and let me adopt one of them bcs im forever single remember. e u e i wuv yu
+ hong jisoos / bultaoreune
- jishoe- back ok? i wuv yu and imishsyu.
+ lee chan / bindaass
- my son my evillest son. your momma boo loves you very much even though u give me less credit. o u o
+ park kim soo joyi / anonymous88
- kababayan. if you happen to get preggo- name your son seungking alright? i wuv yu.
+ kim friggin tae bae taehyung / _liberosis
- my namesake friend. why you always so awesome tone it down so i can reach you! o u o i wuvyu very much ok?
+ lee mijoo ex horsemin / leanonme, coughs chaeyoungjeon
- im still upset bout you not telling u my bestfriend. my first bff in this place. i missed you and i wuv you.

now, im gonna add everyone mentioned you cant get rid of me now. i love y'all and i decided to write straightly for wonu's sake
o u o plus, thank you for always giving me so much fun when im here in rpr, here in giddy up. love y'all