Personal Message
Lee Howon
Feeling : tired & bored 
Music : monsta x - all in
Craving : hugs...actually no... alcohol.
Availability : i don't even know what to put here tbh
Not Your Ordinary Flower
lee howon grew up in a well off family. his parents were always pressuring him to act a certain way and do certain things. he was always obedient and did what they asked simply because they were his parents. as he got older, he became more reluctant to do what they wanted him to do. they wanted him to take over the family business, but that wasn't what he wanted. in his 2nd year of college, he dropped out and cut all contact with his parents. shortly after dropping out of college, hoya made a friend that helped him start up a nightclub. their nightclub eventually became one of the most popular clubs around. eventually his partner left, giving full ownership to hoya.
hoya is generally a pretty nice guy. some people would even use the word "charming" to describe him. he has a way of being friendly with people, but not seeming like a flirt or player. although he is normally nice, he is not a pushover and wont allow people to disrespect him or the people he cares about. he is very serious at work, but outside of work he can be a fun guy to hang out with.
Between Me & You
Maecenas pharetra, lorem sit amet lacinia consequat, justo urna laoreet diam, et congue mauris est in massa. Fusce varius felis leo, feugiat aliquam tellus auctor sit amet. Phasellus mi augue, sollicitudin vel accumsan nec, sollicitudin id ex. Sed at interdum risus. Etiam urna neque, laoreet a gravida non, hendrerit quis orci.
Praesent malesuada mauris venenatis libero vehicula, vel tempor erat semper. Sed pharetra scelerisque erat at vulputate. Maecenas ac felis vel mauris tincidunt lobortis a vitae tellus. Quisque in massa pulvinar sapien blandit fringilla vel in arcu. Morbi convallis mollis risus non tempus. Curabitur eget cursus sapien.
Elephantary Students