
tumblr_o95rf1ak2m1umzntmo1_500.gif QUEEN 20 YEARS OLD. CLASS C. SWITCH

CRIMES: Inability to follow rules. Disrespect towards individuals of authority (School, police) Breaking into closed proprieties. Public disturbing. Public indecency. Minor drug consumption. 

TRAITS: Flirty yet friendly. Jongin is always ready to have a good time. His biggest passions are dance and literature and he has been practicing contemporary ballet ever since a little boy but he has dropped it in the last two years as he built an alter ego that protects itself by spending his time with the wrong company, at frat parties, consuming light drugs, entering places he shouldn't, skipping school and having . Jongin uses as weapon. He's cocky, he's y, he likes to make people uncomfortable if he can and he takes pride in it. 

BIOGRAPHY: Jongin is the usual cliché of the unloved rich spoiled that turns his inner frustrations towards social life. Okay maybe it isn't exactly like that. Jongin had a good growing up. His mother had been the base of his raising. Yet his relationship with his father had always been rough edged. Unlike his mother, dad was never comprehensive of Jongin's differences. One day, when they boy showed up wearing his mother's clothes and make-up like any other 6 year old little girl would do, dad slapped him and shook him so hard, Jongin was scared of approaching him for days just as his mother haven't spoken to him for a couple weeks. But in the end mom always forgave dad. Separation was never an option and Jongin just grew more and more bitter. Yet he knew that as long as he was the boy his dad wanted it could all be okay and his mother would be happy. So he repressed his thing for liking boys. He kept his ballet classes a secret with his mother and he played football for his dad. He dated girls for his dad. He got good grades. He was apparently the perfect son, no matter how much he disliked his dad. But when he was 17, in just one night, everything changed.

His father's alcoholic state after a party had the car off the road and against a tree. His mother didn't survive.

Jongin never forgave his father. For him, he had killed his mother and the bitterness turned into hatred. Gradually, the good son turned into the devil. Communication between the two disappeared and Jongin kept spending his time out longer and longer. With his looks and charms it didn't take long for him to befriend all the es in school to try and cope for his mother's death. Parties, drugs, , it all slowly escalated to that. By the time Jongin was in college he was never again the boy he had once been. It had came to a state where he could no longer live by the rules of school. His grades dropped and he was seducing teachers to keep them. After the third time that his father had been called to pay him off jail in the middle night and after dozens of psychiatrists Jongin failed to attend to or made fun of or ed, his father had had enough. This time around he sent him to the Academy, hoping its good reputation would change him for good.

2016 It's Never Too Late by Franchesca at Sun Themes. All rights reserved.