Personal Message

Tyler was born in well know family and as a single child he was allowed to do what he wants... or so thought everyone. That's what his parents wanted to show but the truth was that they always took care so he'll never do something that will embarass them. That's why when he got into an accident, hurt one person and the other one died, they couldn't hide it from everyone so they decided to send him to an academy where they hopped that no one will know him and everyone else will just forget about what he did.

He's the type that looks cold and that doesn't want to make friends and if he does then he would be friend with bad persons when actually he just doesn't want to let anyone get too close to him and get hurt after that. Even if he looks mean, when he gets a close friend he'll always take care of that person.

After getting out of jail and had to go to that academy he closed himself inside even more, refusing to let others get close to him which made him sometimes scary but he didn't care about it, getting the idea that it was better to be alone.

Name: Tyler Hoechlin
Age: 21
Status: Single
Class: B

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Friend 2 : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad usu latine consetetur dissentiet, ne agam viris explicari duo. Ubique alienum no ius, nam meis hendrerit consetetur ea, ut purto libris accusam sed. Ullum utinam laudem pro te. Nemore patrioque similique ad vis.
Friend 3 : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad usu latine consetetur dissentiet, ne agam viris explicari duo. Ubique alienum no ius, nam meis hendrerit consetetur ea, ut purto libris accusam sed. Ullum utinam laudem pro te. Nemore patrioque similique ad vis.
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