Personal Message

Okay~~~~ Let's start with.... me. I am a 3rd pov rp-er so... I am better writing those than 1st pov. Honestly, never really know how 1st pov writing really goes. Lol. So.. I am pretty horrible with 1st pov writing. If I am not having a writing block or being too busy with life, you guys could expect a good reply from me. And... I am really welcoming people to poke me if i forget to reply. Dont be scared to talk to me ooc-wise especially to talk about the rp-ing that we are doing or working on, especially once our plot get bored. I guess that is all. When I have thought of more, I would add it.

Now... let's go to Jjong.. shall we? I would try something different, well.. this is the first time I would try it here tbh. I used to do this in my previous rp in aff. I would update Jjong's story. It would be like a diary for Jjong. Something like added into his background story as the rp-ing goes by. Like the people who he met, what their role in his life would be and so on, friends, exes, lovers, flings and so on. So.. yeah... I thought it would be something fun to do. So.. have fun in reading those, if you guys want to. But the main reason was for me to keep track on what was going on around. 



Jonghyun was well known to be a lady-killer, cause no matter where he goes, girls somehow couldn't stop staring at him. He was polite and a gentleman, that is for sure. He was always protective of the girls that he knew, making people think of him as a player. It's just his problem, his weakness. He couldn't stand still when he was faced with girls, especially if they are all being all cute but the most lethal one for him was if he say girls get hurt or having a sad face, that would  be definitely the first one he rushed too. He just couldn't stand people get hurt overall. Maybe it was because he used to see his mom was being abused my his father, someone that he hated until now, despite how much the latter said that he had changed into someone better. Well.. he brought his mom out of his father's place when he was in his legal age, cause now he was one of the youngest programmer, making him earn lots of money and for him to be able to provide for his needs or his mom's. They lived happily in his mansion, fully guarded so his father couldn't get in that easily, maybe the protection was a bit too much but it was needed, he thought. Now between his father and him, they were like a real enemy. His father tried to ruin his work numerous time, unfortunately that was failed. The intervention that succeded was mostly in physical fight. A few times he was surrounded my mobs on his way back, especially when he wasn't followed by his bodyguard. He could fend himself, it's just there was a limit on how many people he could take by himself.

Jonghyun now owned his own software company, recently releasing two new software which was waited by a lot of people, professionals or not. Ever since he opened his own company and released his first product which was an antivirus, making him sort of even popular than before. Despite all the popularity or how wealthy he was, he remained humble, something his mom had taught him. He could proudly say tha the remained to be himself. He did enjoy his life cause he would always make time for himself, no matter how busy his company could be sometimes. 

Meanwhile for relationship, he didn't want things to be serious just yet. With his personality and traits that he had, he didn't want to find trouble explaining to his girlfriend of how he couldn't resist the girls around him. It's tiring or so he thought. He learned that once before. So he ended the relationship. Now he would just enjoy himself being single and have fling or a one-night stand whenever he wanted, without the need to think of the other's feelings.