Personal Message

Ghosts of past dps:

Past dps.


Kim Ahyoung, better known as Yura, is a 22 year old lawyer that had many things served to her as she was handed money in exchange for attention. Her parents thought of her as a lost case if you will, both very successful lawyers and with two older than her kids that were deemed geniuses while everything about Yura seemed plain in their eyes. They couldn't be bothered. So she started rebelling in highschool but they thought it was just a phase that not perfectly perfect people went through though for Yura it was an empowering moment of shouting she is just as good. Beating both her siblings to law school, she graduated with perfect grades, something their siblings weren't good enough to deliver even of she used other means to get them as well, it was a war they started after all. Her addiction begun the moment her rebellion started. At first it was something to get to her parents' head but after seeing the pleasure she was getting from this, she couldn't just stop. Plus who wants to when they can have fun?





1. Only teardrops (Male/Available): It started as an innocent and not so important but soon we were both of us somewhat invested into getting under one another's skin without dropping the pleasing habit of having with one another. Neither of us wants to admit defeat though, so we end up living by the "an eye for an eye" spilling between us only teardrops.


2. J'ai cherché (Female/Available): You showed up. I was lost, divided in two halves, but you were there like a sister to me when I started to rebel and lead me away from self destruction towards a much more interesting path though there was just a tiny little problem. I had no means of finding you again, not even your name. Seven years later I have been searching, I still am and I will search until I find you.


3. Satellite (Male/Available): I am your satellite. I end up being in places you are for some reason though there is certain distance between us and, well, I want you to notice me so I do various little things I normally wouldn't but guess what! I can't get any closer since my moral compass is a little too broken for your liking from what I've heard.


4. We could be the same (Female/Available): Seemingly we are completely different. We were born in different worlds after all but we both dealt with the need for rebelling and guess what? We found each other! A sister whose love is stronger than our actual family's hate because we could be the same.


!More plots to be announced!