Personal Message


From Chanyeol: 

 photo rat_tailed_unicorn_plush_by_tentaclekitty-d677coy.jpg

From Jungkook:

photo d139de7b4eaaab6ebc9789471d9cd288.jpg


an infinite hyung think that this galaxy sweater is perfect for a purple unicorn



Congratulations! For being Mr. Traveler in Timeless Award 2017




Image result for zhang yixing jpg
He is a boy that is in love with music. He will risk anything for it.
In his past life, he as the 13th prince of goreyo. The prince who loved music and drawing. He was very gentle, and kind, and enjoyed the peace and prosperity in the kingdom. Not knowing how to use a sword didn't worry him, until his love died. He vowed that in his next life, he would learn to wield a sword and kill anyone who got in his way.
Present: His first step is to get into SM ent and start his career, his next plan is still undecided....
​Future: he is a serial killer, his past is a sercret he keeps to everyone. He is not just any serial killer, he is the most bloodthirsty, smart, and mystical one you can find. Just by looking at him yu can't identify his age, he does everything from dissapearing into shadows to disguising himself to a completely different person. Anything is a weapon to him, and anyone is a prey to him. You can ask why he likes it, I guess that he just enjoys it.
Prince Charming
Image result for jungkookOrientation: GAY
Xingkook since 12/21/16
Jeon Jungkook, my love, we met in the most unusual way.  I can't believe  that i had once tried to kill you dear! You are so sweet and look after me, like a sheep with his shepherd. I love you, and I could kill any one that harms you.
Jan 21. One month {Check}
We've been togther for a month already, can you believe it?!
Feb 21. Two monthes {check}
March 21  Three monthes {check}
A quarter of the year, so lucky to be me.
Plot Ideas
Plot Title :: Status :: Character
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut magna id ex porta eleifend vitae at tellus.
Plot Title :: Status :: Character
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut magna id ex porta eleifend vitae at tellus.
Plot Title :: Status :: Character
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut magna id ex porta eleifend vitae at tellus.
Plot Title :: Status :: Character
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut magna id ex porta eleifend vitae at tellus.
Plot Title :: Status :: Character
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut magna id ex porta eleifend vitae at tellus.
Roleplay Tracker
01. Park Chanyeol( lLocation)
02. Jeon Jungkook(Unknown Future)
03. Im Jaebum(Joseon Era)
04. Oh Sehun (Unkown Future)
05. Huang Zitao(Joseon Era)
07. Character (Location)
08. Character (Location)
09. Character (Location)
10. Character (Location)
OOC Corner
Hello, my timezone is UTC-8 so. Um I am in school, so I usually RP when I'm bored of homework, so if I don't reply then that's what I am doing. I am also busy on weekends so I'm sorry. I perfer 1st pov, but I can do 3rd. Please NO ONE LINERS. I would rather read paragrahs than just a line. I would also like short paragraphs, but if the rp is just too boring then I might just leave or do one liners.