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✩ jeon jungkook. 3 minutes ago Reply

you look pretty with every dp yeri wyd
1063465.jpg?v=15688 ✩ park chaeyoung. 2 minutes ago Reply
✩ kim yerim. 4 seconds ago Reply
I'll backhand you like I do to my hOES SIT DOWN

this is why i love her
1064746.jpg?v=6388 ✩ park soobin. 34 seconds ago Reply
yeri is super cool
1063465.jpg?v=15688 ✩ park chaeyoung. 6 minutes ago Reply
the padlet and yeri plastered everywhere in there is my life

kim yerim

° an angels face with a devils heart。

persephone · 18 · goddess of spring · pisces · certified wild child


all you need to know

Despite her innocent and youthful appearance, Persephone was born wild and rebelious, and a little reckless, all traits she assumes she got from her father Zeus. However, her mother is typically blind to her daughters true nature, and Persephone never bothers to correct her, and shows her mother her innocent and docile side. Most know the story of Persephone, stolen and kidnapped against her will by the evil Hades. Well, thats Demeters side of the things. The truth is, Persephone very willingly went with Hades, and very willingly ate the pomegranate, knowing full well the consuquences. The pair are probably the only ones out of all the Greek Gods, to actually have a happy and functioning marriage. 

A lover of animals, and nature itself, she has a huge soft spot for animals of all kinds, even bugs and scary looking reptiles. She is also a lover of the modern punk and alternative livestyle and music, and also finds drinking and smoking weed to be amazing and devilish fun. She is under the guise of a college student studying Botany and Enviromental Science, and has a part time job at a Flower shop + Greenhouse. As kind and as eccentric as she is, she also has a terrifying mean streak, something she inherited from her wrathful mother. She has a huge temper, and a taste for revenge and violence, and it is often rumored she can be more fierce than her husband, though she is just and fair to a fault. 

plot title here

° status, rating, genre, etc.

Donec eu tellus eget quam accumsan ullamcorper. Phasellus sed finibus dolor. Aliquam ultricies nibh dui, et pellentesque libero interdum luctus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc at vehicula mauris. Etiam in est ullamcorper, imperdiet lacus vitae, malesuada ante. Donec gravida turpis ultricies, malesuada sapien non, sodales urna. In enim orci, imperdiet sed nisi eu, imperdiet facilisis diam. Vestibulum tincidunt dignissim metus a sagittis. Morbi nec facilisis quam.

plot title here

° status, rating, genre, etc.

Mauris vehicula massa sodales aliquet mollis. Praesent quam est, interdum et felis sit amet, luctus consectetur leo. Vestibulum fermentum tristique massa. Duis ac commodo urna. Pellentesque consectetur ligula volutpat, tempus orci a, pulvinar ligula. Phasellus venenatis a nibh nec imperdiet. Praesent pulvinar sed sapien sed tincidunt. Proin risus nisl, vestibulum quis suscipit eget, facilisis non enim. Etiam a tortor vel leo elementum dapibus. Fusce sit amet risus ac risus vestibulum mollis. Suspendisse scelerisque blandit urna nec feugiat. Cras vitae dapibus mauris. Ut a odio aliquet, venenatis nunc eu, iaculis neque. Praesent at nulla hendrerit, auctor lacus ut, placerat nisl. Mauris faucibus dui in erat interdum malesuada.

plot title here

° status, rating, genre, etc.

Nunc sed hendrerit neque. Curabitur non ornare metus. Nullam eu porta lectus. In est ipsum, pulvinar ut gravida ac, facilisis non odio. Aenean faucibus cursus arcu, ac euismod ex porta quis. Suspendisse scelerisque dictum massa, vitae cursus odio accumsan a. In fermentum est sit amet tempus tempor. Vestibulum mollis dictum mi, et efficitur ligula laoreet quis. Proin ut fermentum magna, et gravida lorem.

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