Personal Message



Calvin Vail
21 (born: 8/19/1995
Spirit Clan Fairy
power: Flying, change in size from tiny pixie to normal size, Control over the rain, can move water and create it via his palms, talks to animals, grows fruit...or at least tries to...
Background: Calvin is a fairy hybrid. His father was a nature fairy and his mom a water fairy. But, his parents got killed when he was really little, like three years old. He was all alone and afraid. He stumbled about in the forest, cold, hungry, and helpless. Soon, he was found by another family, but not a fairy one. He was raised by animals, until his animal family got hunted down. Fromthere on out, he raised himself until a group of bad fairys found him. They raised him to cheat, and steal, and drink, and all kinds of bad stuff. Now, he's a grown man, and all he is is a nusiance. He just drinks, parties, and sleeps around