Personal Message

yoon jeonghan

° 水仙不開花。

(Mingyu's) human pet · 20 · biual · libra · infj



Jeonghan is one of many pets who is a product of selective breeding. Back in the earlier days, human pets were simply any human deemed beautiful and healthy enough, but eventually, the art of human pets became something else entirely. Now, many humans are bred with specific physical traits and blood types for the richest and most noble of vampires, and Jeonghan is a human from a very coveted pet bloodline. 

The traits of the Cinderella bloodline is fair, snowy skin, long hair, AB - bloodtype, petite but somewhat taller build, and light colored hair. Jeonghan was raised in the middle ring by a rich vampire merchant who made it his business to breed the finest human playthings, and raised and taught them all how to be well..perfect for the aristocracy. However, Jeonghan never allowed himself to be fooled or brainwashed, despite the "education" he recieved from the merchant and his servants, though most pets are trained to be whatever their future master wants them to be, and trained to be totally submissive, and respectful to vampires, Jeonghan was against it all.

He felt he was disgusting, and so were other pets, bred like prized show dogs. He faked it however, and rose in ranks until it was time to be debuted and found a master, most likely, for someone like him, an inner ring vampire. Jeonghan had a dislike for vampires, and had no desire for their affection, gifts, attention, or love. He had even attempted running away multiple times, which had involved extreme punishment, but a permanent mark was never left on his body. 

His mother and father had been former pets, but once they were too old to be a pet, they were used to breed more Cinderellas, and the number of siblings or cousins he has is unknown to him, and he had never gotten the pleasure of meeting his parents. He knew their fate however, once his mother had squeezed out as many kids as her body was allowed, she was thrown to the metaphorical dogs to be ravaged and killed, same happened to his father. Neither were lucky enough to keep their masters affections, which was the dream for every pet, make your master love and need you enough to keep you even after you started aging. 

Still, to this day, Jeonghan has hopes and plans to escape one day, hopefully out of the walls all together, but if not, he would rather live in the otuering with the unregistered than be a vampires plaything. 

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plot title here

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plot title here

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Nunc sed hendrerit neque. Curabitur non ornare metus. Nullam eu porta lectus. In est ipsum, pulvinar ut gravida ac, facilisis non odio. Aenean faucibus cursus arcu, ac euismod ex porta quis. Suspendisse scelerisque dictum massa, vitae cursus odio accumsan a. In fermentum est sit amet tempus tempor. Vestibulum mollis dictum mi, et efficitur ligula laoreet quis. Proin ut fermentum magna, et gravida lorem.

01 · He has a cat allergy, but still loves them anyways.

02 · His favorite food is sushi, or seafood in general.

03 · He has a thing for aesthetics/beauty, and always takes pride in how he looks.

04 · His favorite thing to drink is wine or hot tea., he hates water and milk. 

05 · He once got into a catfight with another human pet over a stolen hairpin.

06 · He can be more dominant than his initial physical looks and gentle demeanor.

07 · Flowers are one of his favorite things and he knows alot about them.

08 · Many mistake him for a girl, it used to offend him but now he doesn't even bother to correct it. 

09 · Typically gentle and kind on the outside, he has a sharp tongue and quick temper, though he shows it through passive aggressive or petty means.

10 · He can play the piano and the violin.

11 · His favorite color is blue in all of its shades.

12 · He hates reading and thinks its boring, but he does love poetry. 

13 · A bit of a sadomasochist, both physically, mentally and emotionally. 

14  · Bossy and over-controlling is his middle name. Not to mention he can be a huge perfectionist. 

15 · He hates not being in control or in charge, he can become anxious and snappy if he feels out of control of things. 

16 · Very much fits into the "asian dragon lady/tiger mom" trope/stereotype. 

17 · Has a thing for precious gems and jewlery, especially rings and necklaces. He prefers silver over gold though. Diamonds or opals are his favorite gems. 

18 · Besides seafood, he stays away from meat. So he's basically a pescatarian, though he doesn't like to eat diary much either. 

19 · He sees vampires as his playthings since they are visual and shallow creatures who he finds, are easily seduced by pretty humans. 

20 · Has an aversion to water since he can't swim.

21 · One of his biggest fears is the dark and he has to sleep with a some type of light or with someone else in the room with him. 
