
eun jiwon.

Eun Jiwon
38 Y.O.
Unregistered Human
??? + Single


01 no one-liners

02 plotting is a must

03 don't poke until a week passes

04 sometimes my replies are slow

05 random starter = maybe

06 listen here, here & here please


out of character

being in a coma is strange. first, nothing - then comes the point where your conscious returns but you can't move. jiwon had befallen this fate just after returning to university at age 22. a freak accident landed him in the hospital, unresponsive. for 12 years he remained in a vegetative state. or so they (the doctors) thought. it was only 3 years after becoming comatose that jiwon regained his mental function, but was unable to move the rest of his body. sometimes his eyes would fly open, staring straight up to the ceiling. his mouth would twist and a sudden laugh would burst from his vocal chords. that doctors chalked it up to normal coma symptoms and kept the man alive simply because he had no family to say whether or not he should die - all gone in a holiday house fire.

when he actually "woke up" jiwon was met with a sickening sight. himself, for one - a body that's barely moved for 12 years ends up being pretty gross-looking (thank god he managed to push himself to work out and build up both muscle and stamina - it was a slow process), but the true sight of disgust was a splatter of blood across the pillow and pieces of him caught in the fabric.

eun jiwon did not wake up in a hospital. rather, he was carded off to a secret government facility after five years into his coma since no one could speak for him. he only remembered this a few days after waking up due to his muddled thoughts and slow awareness. the people around him, masquerading as nurses and doctors, were simply scientists adept in human experimentation. "for the greater good." they told him. "you'll help so many people with this." as it turns out they operated on jiwon while he was in a coma, splitting open the cradle to his brain and implanting a chip into his limbic system (the part of the brain that controls memory function). this was to assess the cognitive function of a human brain given access to a database-like structure of information - a living computer.

unfortunately for them this chip did not give jiwon super-human intelligence. instead, it was defective and only increased his memorization by 2% - it wasn't what they were looking for. jiwon was then scrapped after multiple tests, thrown out of the facility with nothing but a pair of casual clothes, a bottle of water and some random device he was told to keep on him at all times. jiwon isn't sure what it's for but decided to keep it only because he doesn't know what will happen if he loses it.

now, jiwon has taken about three years to get used to the life of an unregistered human. with his (only) slightly higher memorization capacity he knows the layout of his home base like the back of his hand. jiwon has not yet met a vampire face to face, save for one - they decided to tell him that the metallic scent of the chip in his head served to deter potential attackers, whatever that means. he's just grateful to have been able to survive this long on his own.

history / bio

quiet. jiwon is not necessarily cold, but, rather, has a hard time interacting with others. having spent most of his life in a coma or inside a government facility his interaction has been virtually non-existent since he was 22-years-old. his fear and/or hate of vampires is also something that doesn't really exist. he's heard stories, but as they usually stay away from him he's never met one that actually tried to kill him (don't ask him why the single one that gave him info didn't, because he doesn't know either). most people in the same area as jiwon don't talk to him since it's a dog-eat-dog kind of situation. you have to fend for yourself, which is something jiwon knows how to do. except, he has a powerful sense of morals, which sometimes leads to him giving up what's important for him so another human may have it. stupid, they call him, though eun jiwon is anything but stupid. he's human.



couple ; sechskies

i want to spend the rest of my life with you. it feels like a dream. now that i'm with you, i'm not alone anymore. oh love, why did you just come now? i've been so lonely. oh love - i love you. now, let's spend our whole lifetime together. 


Sed eu mi sed sem dictum porta. Nullam nec tellus nunc. Sed finibus, dolor eu sagittis pretium, lectus magna rutrum purus, ut maximus nisl quam vel dolor. Morbi elementum lorem purus, non mattis sem posuere nec.
/ status, rating, etc.


Nunc malesuada iaculis dapibus. Proin vitae sem eu metus auctor bibendum quis non ligula. Mauris id risus id ante elementum pretium. Nullam gravida facilisis porttitor. Nulla at felis sapien. Vivamus euismod sollicitudin quam. Maecenas suscipit fringilla vehicula.
/ status, rating, etc.


Praesent tincidunt purus sed nisi ultricies, in gravida purus venenatis. Pellentesque nunc tellus, laoreet eu tristique non, pretium sed sapien. Duis pellentesque hendrerit ligula non varius. Morbi in velit ac leo condimentum rutrum. Morbi ex quam, venenatis ut lobortis a, sagittis non eros.
/ status, rating, etc.


Donec accumsan massa metus, vitae vestibulum mauris venenatis sed. Ut sed accumsan massa. Integer venenatis euismod commodo.
/ status, rating, etc.


Quisque quis imperdiet ante. In neque nulla, tristique sit amet sapien vel, pretium feugiat sapien. Ut viverra tempor neque. Sed auctor turpis ut diam mattis suscipit. Phasellus dignissim metus et erat consectetur cursus id a lorem.
/ status, rating, etc.
