Personal Message

John Seo

22 years old

about me


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae

when indulging in a loving, affectionate - non toxic relationship, I simply want to have someone around who enjoys and partake in things that i find worthwhile. I would love to cuddle, long walks at the beach, romantic cheesy stuff makes me giddy so those are welcome. It would be much simpler to state what I do not want - which is being clinged on to and dragged around, clingy thots can swerve.


ooc corner


- you may poke me after 3 working days

- clingy bbuing bbuing mofos won't be indulged 

- swerve and stay in your own goddamn lane 

- i'm kinda nice, kinda - not really

- strictly detailed first and third

- lowkey gmt +8 

- highkey doesn't have a sleeping cycle so s hrugs

- notify me of your departure or long term absences

- plot > winging


 character details

- full name: seo youngho
- age: 22
- dob: feb 9th '95
- orientation: heteroual
- height: 6 ft 1''

- weight: 63 kg
- Pov: detailed 1st and 3rd
- status: n/a
- occupation: n/a
- family: papa + mistresses 

- likes: himself and money
- dislikes: everyone else
- eargasm: his own voice
- eyegasm: his reflection



Straight / literate


Joon is your archetypal charming goofball, served with a side of heavily salted french fries. His hobbies includes gazing into his very own reflection, procrastinating for hours, work out, and fantasizing multitudes of scenarios which will never come to life. 




plot 1:

plot 2:

plot 3:

plot 4:

 scroll right/left to find:

■ about me
■ personality
■ ooc corner
■ plots


Temp profile:

name: seo youngho // magneto

age: 24

background: (my brain is dead, its almost 5 am heh)
- aliases: John, Johnny, the creator, king magneto, master of magnetism
- his past is shrouded in mystery; not much is known. 
- rumors of his wretched awakening and origin that had been tainted with time has aid in keeping his past in the dark 
- he finds that the "normals," the societal pool in general cannot comprehend what he can and as such should not be upheld as equals.
- he deems himself superior and usually avoid any and all interactions with other people unless necessary 
- strongly believes that "justice" is defined by the victors
- expressed the belief that mutants, whom he calls Homo sapiens superior, will eventually be the dominant life form on the planet, and has wavered between wanting to exist in harmony with humans, wanting a separate homeland for mutants, and wanting to enforce his superiority over all humanity. (he is very indecisive) 

- Magneto possesses the power to control all forms of magnetism. He can shape and manipulate magnetic fields that exist naturally or artificially
- Magneto can reinforce the metallic fibers of his uniform with magnetic fields, making his clothing like armor with a durability approaching adamantium
- Magneto is capable of sustaining flight for very long distances and at varying speeds. 
- Magneto’s ability to wield his superhuman powers effectively is dependent upon his physical condition.
- Magneto has mastered many technological fields, and is an expert on genetic manipulation and engineering, with knowledge far beyond 
that of contemporary science.

repy to this

m. sana ⌠harley quinn⌡ [A] 21 minutes ago Reply
/giving a small huff of annoyance, she tugged harder on the man's pant leg, rolling her eyes at his response; clearly, he didnt really know who she was, otherwise he wouldnt have been so inclined to deny her of having fun, which is all she really wanted. she tilted her head once more, wide eyes turned upwards and studying his features before she gave yet another insistent tug on his pant leg, a playful pout turning the corners of her lips downwards
i dont like rain checks, honey... the rain always seems to come when i dont really like it. now, why dontcha be a great lil honey bunch and come on down, entertain me. i cant have fun all by myself, ya know.