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Lee Hyeri
If you've ever wondered what an outcast looks like, well take a good look at Hyeri. At a young age she was forced to move to America while her parent's remained back in her home town. Her parents always wanted the best for her, yet living in such a small town meant their child could never live up to her full potentional. So with what ever money they had they sent her away to a country that made no sense to her. Hyeri adapted rather slowly to her new life, having to learn another langauge and fend for herself. Everything her parents thought would be better for her infact was worse. She became outcasted by her school mates as nothing they liked would interest her. finally she found a place were she didn't have to try to fit in - Photography class a place where you didn't have to try to be anyone but yourself. It was here she found herself again, the dorky curious girl she had left behind so long ago. If there was any classes Hyeri truly hated it would be ed and , they seemed to be the most popular classes everyone enjoyed yet she found them confusing and overwhelming all at the same time. She is notorious for ditching those sorts of classes and wondering around the school gardens, climbing tree's and doing all sorts of things popular girls wouldn't ever dare to. To add to her outcast profile you can also note she is lazy- sleeping all the time and running late for classes, lacks motivation in classes she doesn't like, childish-when it comes to males that look similar to her brother back home, Average knowledge- not too smart or dumb but could do with tutoring.  
Because I Love You
Name - Date
Morbi turpis felis, tincidunt ac arcu sed, gravida efficitur est. Nunc varius vehicula dolor at euismod. Maecenas egestas nulla non ante viverra, sed facilisis nulla semper. Sed a eros urna. Duis et varius eros.
Phasellus vitae risus quis augue suscipit dapibus non at neque. Aenean hendrerit blandit quam, pellentesque pulvinar ex finibus blandit. Curabitur venenatis sollicitudin enim, at aliquam nunc tincidunt et. Nulla facilisis consectetur velit, eu venenatis augue pellentesque vel. Maecenas eu semper nunc.
Precious People
Age: 19
grade: 005
uality: straight
personality: kind, lazy, childish, dorky, curious, stubborn, outcast, hungry pottao queen(not ual just means she likes food)