Personal Message

basic info

name: kim jiho
nicknames/aliases: detective jiho
date of birth: April 4, 1993 
age: 23
orientation: hetero
relationship status: single



she takes the initiative to do tasks herself, thus joining the force. jiho is quite independent, though straying from regular cops, she's open minded to any possible options. since she's one of the youngest, she believes that she needs to prove her worth in the field. she also brings much youth to the task but definitely knows when to be serious. she's witty in her own unique ways, deciding was always easy for her, she also is a great planner. there's not much about her than you think, just wait until you see her past. theories always drifted within her blood, thinking ahead is what she did best. the theories she has been given, helps her discover new clues in her work as a detective. finding new ways resolved the customer's conflicts.



Partner: ?
Since: 00/00/0000
Suspendisse ac justo neque. Nam mauris tortor, consequat eu metus nec, efficitur elementum arcu. Suspendisse est eros, vehicula sed posuere congue, tincidunt porttitor dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eget efficitur nisl. Pellentesque justo arcu, aliquam vitae viverra quis, pellentesque at metus. Praesent tortor tellus, ullamcorper non magna tristique, ultricies venenatis nunc. Etiam egestas vestibulum diam at pharetra. Curabitur tellus nunc, sodales nec molestie in, vulputate in massa. Mauris et metus accumsan, ornare nisi vel, efficitur justo. Duis vitae mattis odio, sed mattis sem. Suspendisse at massa ipsum. Nam ut enim quis mi fermentum pretium vitae a mi. Ut sed enim quis tellus tempus molestie. In nec suscipit mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae


out of character

01. gmt -7
02. 3rd pov
03. hit 
04. me
05. up
06. ♥



hit & run – ( kim seokjin )

little by little – ( choi seungyeon )

rookie rookie– ( kim jennie )

another's territory – ( fan bingbing )