Personal Message




Kim Minseok

Age 23 (March 26, 1994)

uality: Demi-Biual

Status: If it happens it happens

Basic Personality

Serious and quiet, interested in security and peaceful living. Extremely thorough, responsible, and dependable. Well-developed powers of concentration. He can usually accomplish any task once he has set his mind to it. Uncommunicative and flighty he is prone to escapism and will minimize things that bother him in order not to bother or impose upon those around him. He tends to be something of a lone wolf until you get to know him.


Minseok had a relatively happy childhood, he grew up with two loving parents and did well at almost anything he put his mind to. Aside from being a little overweight, and being teased mercilessly because of this he had a relatively pleasant childhood. His mother was always his champion when it came to being bullied and he loved her dearly. His father was a hard working blue collar man who worked for an industrial steel company.


Not long after his ninth birthday his mother was diagnosed with stage four lymphoma. The doctor’s prescribed an intensive course of Chemotherapy coupled with Radiation  to attempt to stay the disease. Minseok remembers vividly how thin and pale she became, how her hair greyed  and then began falling out in clumps. He remembered when the doctors stopped the treatments, when they said there was nothing more they could do. Minseok, who sat with her that final night, hands clasped tightly around ghostly fingers. For three months she struggled and then could struggle no longer. Both Minseok and his father were swallowed by their grief, but life went on. But, it was not the same life.  Everything changed for Minseok; his father kept long hours at the factory to help pay the bills for the now single parent household and Minseok did his best to keep the house functioning in honor of his mother. There was no life in his eyes though, only pain, sadness and heartache and this drove his father crazy.


Shortly after his wife passed away, Minseok's father began to drink, at first it seemed it was just to take the edge off, to numb the pain of the grief that he and Minseok shared. But, his father found sanctuary in the numbness and instead of being an occasional user  it became strikingly clear that this crutch had become an addiction. Every night he would come home, with a case of beer and set himself before the TV, drinking until he could no longer stand. Tensions grew between Minseok and his father as he was forced to watch the only remaining family he had drink himself into oblivion. Despite the undercurrent of tension within the household Minseok did his best to take care of his father, he did everything he could to keep them  living comfortably, in honor of his mother. He felt he had to be strong because his father was not.


The drinking problem grew worse, instead of beer he would bring home vodka or whisky, going through bottles of it at a time. Minseok watched with helpless concern as his father broke every tie he had had, friends who had once cared for him turned their backs. And just living grew harder still. His father started to miss work or if he did go he would show up still drunk from the night before. It wasn't long before there was no job for him to go back to. Bills began to pile up, and Minseok took a part time job to help pay for them but it still wasn't enough. The stress began to eat at Minseok  and while he did everything he could, his life was crumbling around him.