Personal Message

yq1jLy1.pngImage result for hwayoung bullyImage result for hwayoung bully

straight enough.
don't need no man.
about me
headstrong. stubborn. aggressive. hwayoung might kill you if you cross her the wrong way. she's well aware that she's a , but she's not gonna yield just because you're gonna get your "feelings" hurt. despite being perceived as a backstabbing, lying snake, she's actually a pretty well thought individual. she understands business and is an overall fighter of justice. she hates lying but it's a little hard for her to admit that she's wrong -- so she'll try to argue her way out of her mishaps. and she argues a lot. it actually hurts her when people make snarky remarks about her and exclude her from things just because she's a little headstrong. she's just not afraid to include her own perspective on things. Unfortunately, this has led her to be an extremely defensive person. she doesn't really trust people and she will always question their real motives. 
hwayoung was born a few minutes after her twin sister, hyoyoung, on april 22nd 1993. they grew up rather well off, they always got whatever they needed. but growing up, it was obvious that her older sister was the favorite (even though they were identical lmao). hyoyoung always got the first pick for everything and it offended hwayoung so much that she grew to become more outspoken because for 's sake their parents can't tell the difference between them anyway. for every little thing hyoyoung did, hwayoung had to work twice as hard and it didn't help that hyoyoung pretended to be an innocent angel. but it's not like hwayoung ever despised her sister, the two of them knew each other better than the other. hyoyoung had her own problems being a "role model" as the older twin and hwayoung would often speak up in place of hyoyoung so that she wouldn't have to break away from her perfect image (that no one really bought anyway but w/e). 
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plot oo1. info here.
plot oo2. info here.
plot oo3. info here.
plot oo4. info here.
plot oo5. info here.
plot oo6. info here.
plot oo7. info here.
plot oo8. info here.
plot oo9. info here.
plot o10. info here.
plot o11. info here.
plot o12. info here.
plot o13. info here.
plot o14. info here.
plot o15. info here.
ooc notes.
timezone /  -8 gmt
writing style / 1st detailed, 3rd -- i like to be casual & lighthearted whoops
genres / just fight me gdi
activity level / don't count on me
message /  fight me
"mocha"  by fernweh. do not remove credit.