Personal Message

basic info

name: Kang daniel
affinity: Ice, Mother air father water
date of birth: 98.12.10
age: 18
orientation: panual
pack: lunith



Daniel had always been a loner, he was used to strolling around not really caring. However, one day when he, like usual, was out on a stroll someone started chasing him, being only a young wolf he didn't really understand why.  Whilst escaping he found his way to the academy, scared an in shock he ran inside, hoping he had escaped the strangers chasing him. Looking out the window he let out a sigh of relief, happy he had escaped. Little did he know he had a new adventure infront of him. Daniel is young, but troubled, his parents abandoned him at a young age, leaving him unable to trust anyone. If you're planning on getting close to the young boy, good luck. He has a shell cold as ice and refuses to let people in, he might seen cheerful to anyone who doesn't know him, however that's not who he is.
When in wolf form he has dark gray fur, ice blue eyes and white chest. He can control himself when turning, but whenever his feelings go out of control his ears or tail might show. Even though he might seem cold, he is in need of friends.




Partner: Ong sungwoo
Since: 24/06/2017
Okay honestly? I don't know what to say besides how lucky am I to have such an amazing boyfriend like you? I don't know how I did it but somehow I got you to fall for me just as hard as I fell for you too. We met in a dance studio, something I never expected. I've already told you this but I was 100% sure I would hate you, in all honesty I was ready to walk up to you and push you out - until you told me that you had a choreography you had learnt from youtube and I thought, "Seriously? Go on then, show me this said choreo" and you showed me. Lucky for me you were bad, like really bad, but you know this part as well. I taught you, you got happy and somehow we ended up sitting on the floor, me on your lap, kissing over and over. we went to my place and you cooked food for me which, by the way, was amazing. we then went up to the bed and cuddled and you know the rest. I love you sungwoo, so freaking much. I'm still in shock and still question wether or not this is real, you're am amazing guy and I'm the luckiest man alive to have you in my arms every single day.


out of character

01. 18 year old female, call me kai or victoria doesn't really matter to me.
02. GMT +2 Sweden.
03. Fine with both 1st and 3rd pov.
04. no one liners, I tend to mirror what i am given.
05. no godmodding, no one is perfect and neither are you.
06. just talk to me, i'm not as cold as i might seem.



Title – ( person, genre, rating, etc ): Ut ornare sem eget magna bibendum blandit nec in justo. Aliquam vitae pretium magna, non scelerisque erat. Cras maximus nulla augue, non tempor odio rutrum id. Aenean eu lacus sed ipsum dapibus maximus. Quisque molestie fermentum massa. Duis congue turpis eros. Vestibulum ultricies sit amet ligula ut sollicitudin.
Title – ( person, genre, rating, etc ): Mauris in viverra mi. Donec luctus ante nibh, nec aliquam elit bibendum quis. In vitae egestas purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus blandit dapibus ante eleifend laoreet. Mauris eros nisl, tincidunt tristique sapien sit amet, rhoncus congue metus. Integer sagittis fermentum mollis.
Title – ( person, genre, rating, etc ): Duis turpis ligula, venenatis ut molestie ac, suscipit lacinia nunc. Nulla molestie urna et ante accumsan tempor. Aliquam interdum neque nec est tincidunt commodo. Nullam porta ligula at lacus finibus consectetur. Donec id orci felis. Sed vel nunc consequat arcu pulvinar fermentum vel nec ipsum. Nullam dapibus ullamcorper nibh, ac feugiat quam facilisis quis. Suspendisse potenti.
