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mr & mrs illmatic '17
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grad party '17
• briana hall •


Bri  Hall

Briana Hall

23 y/o

straight single

about me Briana Douglas (now Hall) wasn't your ordinary women. She was hardworking, caring, and always calm and collected. She had A side hobby of art and an ER nurse as her previous job, with late-night clubs with her girlfriends. Normal life, normal house, and a normal name were all Briana ever needed. Now she's on the run from the Feds and crime stoppers. She, from marathon murder mysteries and Murder She Wrote, is easily identifiable as someone you'd rather not be acquaintances with. Let's blast to the past---
Three years ago, Briana was confronted by an ex-boyfriend of five years on a romantic dinner date on a rainy Friday night. Candle lights and Anita Baker in the back, she had never seen someone so enticing in a sleek black dress shirt which complimented his mocha skin. It was 10 o'clock, she could remember, and Briana had just finished her Merlot. Yes, three years ago she would've been underage, but who was really there to witness it? The stereo cut off, Anita Baker just getting to the part about sweet love, and her boyfriend, Malcolm, had stood up. Briana smiled, red wine on her breath and a starstruck gaze in her brown eyes. It was all cut short when Malcolm had different intentions.  She wasn't ready.  One thing led to another, hands were on each other in entirely two different meanings. No burning desire but rather it was pure hate and murderous intent. 
" Are you cheating?" Malcolm whispered, deep voice heavy with jealous fever. 

" What? Malcolm, what are you on about? And on our anniversary?” 

 "You never want--you never want to do anything with me, Brianna! " Brianna was now standing, wobbly on her best red heels, and had the ugliest frown mounted on her face.

" Malcolm, when I say I'm not ready, then I'm not ready! “ Brianna backed away but he stepped forward, his build towering over her's.

 Now, she had seen her ending in his fiery eyes. Perfect rage had surfaced within those hazel orbs. Somehow, she had mustered up enough strength to stand her ground as he laid his hand upon her cheek. It didn’t hurt as much as it did when she acknowledged that he had actually hit her.

It was two lions in a pen and Brianna had suddenly picked up a steak knife, contents of cut meat particles stuck to it. Malcolm didn’t see it coming. Neither did she. 


Now she’s on the run. After taking the car and heading to the desert for a trip to LA airport, stray hairs - panicked breaths, and tears flowing on the whole drive - she is now in South Korea. She changed her last name and is constantly changing hair color, getting piercings, and FIXING HER character.

Briana knows it won’t be long until they find out, but she is secure where she is as of now. She has a stable job at a call center, and although tiring, she has enough money to pay her rent in a shady apartment. Train rides are obscure so she tries to keep as hidden as possible. It doesn’t help that suspicions rise when you’re wearing a black hoodie every night on the ride home from work. But she endures it, no matter how tough it is to constantly hear the worldwide news of a nationwide-about to be worldwide-criminal.

personality Before the fiasco, her caring nature is what she was most well-liked for. Friends tend to count on this and her punctuality in times of need. Her imprudence and pedantic nature tended to get in the way and could ruin plenty of evenings. Fortunately, her calm nature helps prevent most of these grievances.

But that was Briana Douglas before and this is Briana Hall now. Miss Hall is now an introvert, always secretive, only speaks when spoken too, only moving never stopping to look back. It's hard to look back on a life full of fun when you're on the constant run. A life of a fugitive in hiding is a life Briana never wanted to live. Briana Hall now has to be greedy, dishonest and difficult in order to conceal her identity. She only thinks about herself and will do a quick 180 if she finds that you are an obstacle to her hidden identity.



NAME: tae, taelien
TIMEZONE: GMT -6 {central}
GENRES PREFRENCES: ACTION, crime, drama, chill?
WARNINGS: DON'T DISRESPECT ME OOC. i reply slow when i'm lazy, which is most of the time, but don't worry i'll get to you!

Plot title | worse before better
Male/female | both genders
Genres | action, crime, mystery, drama
Availability | closed

When Briana takes the train, this time, she is in for  more than a surprise. Someone snatches her backpack, the only package she has that holds valuable things. You come to to the rescue. However, Briana doesn’t want the police involved. Sounds suspicious, but Bri is determined to keep her secret.

PLOT TITLE | a list of withouts 
GENRES |  crime, mystery, drama

It’s a rainy day, damn near storming, but Briana has to go to work like usual. Her only way of transportation though is stuck and she can’t afford to be late. She asks around with her head down and a distant look in her eyes.

PLOT TITLE | 3:16 am
GENRES | crime, mystery, drama
AVAILaBILITY | closed 

She’s packing her bags when she got that unknown number. She had promised not to pick it up but she had thought that since she had been living in Korea for almost two months, there was no harm doing so. Mistake. Now, she’s searching for a temporary safe haven.

PLOT TITLE | blue wine {m}

GENRES | serious,  hanky panky, possible
AVAILaBILITY | OPEN to experienced 
Like all criminals, Bri believes she needs a break from all the stress. The girl takes on the nightlife to see what’s in store. Clubs, bars, or an underground joint?

plot title: casket pretty
male/female: both genders
genres:angst,drama, establish friendship/relationship

availability: open

It isn’t easy. Briana knew that. But when she is asked about her past the girl freezes up, throat logged in her heart, and she pretends she is fine. Because she is totally fine.

plot title: adore you
male/female: male
genres: angst, fight, possible breakup, possible break up, confuzzled
availability: open

She pushes you away. it isn't because she doesn’t like you. You’re beautiful. Everything she could ask for but everything she really didn’t need. It was dangerous. She was dangerous.


"you hang the moon, i'll hang the stars"


papi's name


date -- -- --


i know you out there, bro. come out! peekaboo?... no? okay...


