Personal Message





Name: Hong Siyoung

Age: 5 years old

Status: orphan puppy 

Personality/ Background: Siyoung is a serious type kid although in certain aspects he is a child like any other he laughs, cries and jumps around and what not he's quiet and often likes to play by himself. Siyoung was abandoned not intentionally really his mom had done it out of protection, her pack wouldn't let her keep the mixed pup they would go out of their way to kill Siyoung and dispose of him. She had left him in a well hidden area an area only she and Siyoung knew about with the promise of returning immediately for him. Hours, turned into days Siyoung became tired and very hungry nut not having a pack to go back to ment he had to fend for himself. He often had to steal food or if lucky and he wpuld find something it was often seconds that someone else got had gotten to first. And that is how he ended up here in azrael prep now here he often roams around trying to get to know the place and get to know other people as well.

Extras: He often carries around a stuffed brown teddy bear that has one button eye and normal marble eye on the other side. It was a goft from his mom Siyoung calls him Barashi and won't let him go for more then a few minutes it makes him feel safe in certain situation and have a bit more confidence in talking to others