Personal Message




Kim Daeil
Get To Know daeil
He's charismatic but can also be very quiet at times, doesn't get nervous easily but gets very possessive over things or other people that are important to him. It's not hard for him to express emotions but he can control himself incredibly well, he's pretty smart and is good at provoking others. He's more of a listener than a talker and doesn't open up to others easily.
Daeil's soft spot is a bit odd - his students are his biggest soft spot. He hates seeing others suffering. Daeil is a friend you don't want to lose - if you are one of his yet few friends of course. His affinity is fire and he is 25 years old. Daeil is part of the school's staff. [not yet allowed, following may change!] He works as the school's guidance counselor and also is a math teacher. That may sound really boring, but Daeil found a way to make the most boring and worst subject a lot easier to understand. As the school's guidance counselor, he has a helping hand for everyone. His students mean a lot to him and he gets along with his colleagues as well. He doesn't really have problems with anyone - except for when they treat others unfairly.
Because I Love You
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Donec ac nisl sit amet ex egestas ultricies. Sed id pharetra turpis, eu congue diam. Vestibulum in luctus est, a euismod sapien. In ornare rutrum sem, sit amet vestibulum ex euismod eget. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ut finibus tortor. Donec tempus neque lacus, sit amet finibus est maximus vel. Integer lacinia eleifend mollis. Nulla mattis viverra diam eu pellentesque. Etiam cursus condimentum odio sit amet tempus.
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