
Name: Kwon Jiyong

Age: 18
Year: 3rd Year

uality: Gay ()

Clique/Group: Rebels

Brief Personality: Jiyong, to put it bluntly, is a bastard. He has no regard for the people around him, and no verbal filters of any kind. He is extremely blunt, and isn't afraid to tell somebody exactly what he thinks about them. He realizes how fake the crowd he's surrounded by is, and so he always seems to have his guard up regardless of who he's talking to. He enjoys drama, and being the center of attention. Extremely sneaky, it's advised that you don't tell him your dirty little secrets, he may seem like he cares, but in reality he's just filing that information away to backstab you in the future. He strives for perfection, and can't take criticism

Brief Background: Born to a family who is rather wealthy, Jiyong has never had to work for anything a day in his life. His father was a businessman who was never home, and his mother the trophy wife who organized all the school functions when he was a child. His parents were never really strict with him, so he was able to do pretty much whatever he wanted as a child.
Growing up, he was always somewhat rude to people, and it only got worse as he got older, and meaner.
He was a promiscuous person, and dated whoever he handselected for the week, but as a 1st year, he met somebody who he actually fell hard for. They lasted for a year before the guy dumped him, tearing him apart with cruel words. He was simply not good enough.
It still bothers him, but he never would admit that. His cruelness intesified that day, and he started to take pleasure in seeing people as miserable as he was. He began to strive for perfection, surrounding himself with the "perfect" friends, wearing the right clothes, listening to the right music, and in the process losing himself in an eating disorder.