
Name: Kim Sunggyu

Age: 16

Year: 1st year


Clique/Group: The rebel

Brief Personality:

He talks mainly with his eyes but it's not like he couldn't communicate with his mouth. He's just not a light talker at all. Sunggyu most likely adore everything that's in the main field of music thus, smoking or anything that could effect his health, he rejects. He have quite a short temper but only when he was annoyed and others pushes his buttons slightly, then he will burst out in rage, being violent and cursing slips out of his mouth. However, he's a cold heart man {he calls himself a man despite he's a boy} but had a soft spots over kittens and cute animals. Just never cute boys or girls. It's not just his type to cleansed his eyes. Being a rebel, he is a mainly afraid of dogs. Sunggyu would step away quickly or maybe starts to run if he could. Of not, he would be glued to the floor. Moreover, he's not very good at showing his own feelings and he uses actions instead of words.

Brief Background:

Sunggyu lives in a sort of normal life. Being raised by two male parents under a rich life. He was adopted but he doesn't mind at all. He appreciates that he was now being held and loved by his two beloved father. However, he's not the kind to show his feelings to his parents. Sunggyu is still happy though and tries his best to make his fathers happy too.