Personal Message

"I am Kim Namjoon"

"Appearances are not always as they seem to be"

"Give me a chance to be your friend"


Namjoon came from a dragon noble family and is the oldest child in his family, being a big brother to a sister. He was a very shy and awkward, but kind, child who was easily bullied for being so quiet and different from the other children. Namjoon always felt like he didn't fit in with kids his age, so he mostly kept to himself because of that. As time went on, he slowly became more confident and began to stand up for himself so that he wouldn't be treated as a pushover; however, he still remained kind to those who were nice to him.

Underneath his scary and cool exterior lies an awkward, clumsy and loving guy who always puts the people he cares about ahead of himself. He is also unafraid of hard work and will tirelessly put effort into whatever he does to make sure it succeeds.
Once you get to know him, you will be privy to his true feelings though he will have a difficult time expressing himself clearly.

Namjoon is a dragon-human hybrid - his father a dragon and his mother a human - who can control darkness.

His behaviour and attitude with his partner - especially in bed - depends on what his lover is like, so don't be afraid to be open about your thoughts and feelings with him.