Personal Message

Time zone is Central Chicago time in the US, and due to a kid, a husband, and work, my ontimes vary, so please consider that when Rping with me. I try to be fast, but I have other things to do as well. 

If I miss your first message, pm me with the message and place, and I will answer. 

Again, if this happens, and it will, I am sorry in advance...


I grew up in a fishing village before moving up to singer.  My group, Super Junior, we are a family, and they are my brothers. Some say I am an open book, a child in the body of an adult. This childlike face, this energectic ball of hyper. It draws people to me.

But, not everything about me is an easy to read book. I have my dark sides, and desires. Boy, girl, it doesn't matter to me. As long as someone is warming my bed at night.

They are my muses, and I never stay with just one.

Do you think you can tame me? Do you have the time or patience?

I'm waiting....