Personal Message

❁ Do not post on my wall // PM me to plot and rp
❁ I can do both wing it and plot, but plot is preferable. I only do wing it in rooms. So you can drag my by tagging me and wing it there. 
❁ 3rd and 1st pov are fine with me and I have no preference over the other
❁ Do not use emojis or any of that when rping with me.
❁ No crack whatsoever.
❁ My gmt is +8 but I don't sleep til 4am.
❁ Slow replies because I'm a student with ty wifi. Please refrain from poking me unless I haven't replied for over 5 days.
❁ Know the difference between IC and OOC. Respect me and my character.
❁ I'm very open minded and I'm down for anything except self-pity or suicidal angst (for the main character).


Taekwoon - Pending

Jongin - Pending 

Hani - plotting
❁ If I'm active in rooms but have not replied to you, please don't get upset and have patience.

Samuel Kim.
Name: Samuel Arredondo Kim.
Nickname: Sam.
Date of Birth: January17th, 2002.
Position/Job: Convenience Store shopkeeper
Height: 178cm.
Weight: 42kg.
Status: single.
Orientation: biual.
Bimbogami. That's what Samuel is. Nobody wants the god of poverty. Because somehow, one way or other, they will experience bad luck after they met him. Even though that is not something the Bimbogami wants, it just happens. Hence, he was being despised by the humans. Severely. There was no temple made for him, unlike the other gods, not even a small one. Basically he has no home. During the war, all the other gods are busy with the war. Bimbogami were not even spare a glance of inviting him to join the war. Instead, they throw him away as far as possible when he as much as peek at the war going on. Because what do you expect? He's a Bimbogami, he would made them lose. So you would usually found him wandering around in the human world, invinsible to them. Alone.
One day, finally, there's a person who came close to him. The person hang out with him even after knowing what he is and stay by his side despite all the bad luck came to his way. It touched the Bimbogai's heart that they start to bloom with the flowers of love. So much that doesn't care when he knew the person's nature is quite unnerving and strange. He doesn't care. He should, because turns out the person was from the enemy. When Bimbogami realised, it was too late. He has given so many curse of misfortune at the other's request, which turns out to be thrown at the gods side of the war. It was a disaster. Bimbogami was labelled a traitor. And the love of his life, betrayed him by leaving him at the end.
He was more despised than before. Alone and heartbroken.  But when the chance of taking a host arise. He immediately enter the first human he saw. A boy. and the perks of taking a host is missing all the memories he had before. Losing all the bitter memories is something the god would exchange for his immortality. 
So there is, a bright cheerful boy who was still in highschool while working at the convinience store as a part time. Somehow, with the memories left him, so does his so-called misfortune. Does it disappear along with his memories? or was it lock away? But one thing for sure, the god are happy with his life right now, as a boy named Samuel.