About Me
Jaehyo was born an omega, just like his brother Zico, although he seemed to inherit more omega attributes than his brother. With his brother growing bigger than he did, bigger than the other omegas, Zico often stood up and defended them both. Both of them share a deep bond.
Their family joined Shiro after the war, and struggled to put them both through school. Jaehyo has always had a love of books and reading, and so he worked hard to be able to work as the Shiro historian. He loves his job, loves being around the books and learning from them. He enjoys the sense of fulfilment he gets from it, feeling that he's an active member of the pack who is contributing something to it.
Jaehyo is fairly quiet, and can be quite shy at times, despite this, he enjoys meeting people and making friends. He can also be rather clumsy at times, often falling over nothing or his own two feet. He tries to be stronger than he is, so he wouldn't burden his brother, who had enough to deal with, without having to babysit him.
He's not entirely comfortable with his omega side, often worrying about it. He is wary around alphas, and a little less so with betas. This side of him is something that he is quietly working by himself to accept, not wanting it to prevent him from enjoying his life, and not wanting to live a life in fear of alphas and betas.
Prince Charming
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus congue orci a ante sodales vulputate. Donec dapibus elementum vulputate. Fusce sed maximus velit. Maecenas varius tortor justo, ut feugiat diam luctus ac.
Donec scelerisque diam a nisl auctor pellentesque. Fusce erat leo, eleifend non tristique eu, molestie at felis. Quisque rhoncus lacus in quam fringilla, et posuere lorem mollis. Ut lacinia semper auctor. Proin imperdiet elementum lorem commodo tristique.
Plot Ideas
Plot Title :: Status :: Character
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut magna id ex porta eleifend vitae at tellus.
Plot Title :: Status :: Character
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut magna id ex porta eleifend vitae at tellus.
Plot Title :: Status :: Character
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut magna id ex porta eleifend vitae at tellus.
Plot Title :: Status :: Character
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut magna id ex porta eleifend vitae at tellus.
Plot Title :: Status :: Character
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut magna id ex porta eleifend vitae at tellus.
Roleplay Tracker
01. Character (Location)
02. Character (Location)
03. Character (Location)
04. Character (Location)
05. Character (Location)
06. Character (Location)
07. Character (Location)
08. Character (Location)
09. Character (Location)
10. Character (Location)
OOC Corner
I am a university student, so replies might be slow sometimes as I have classes and studying to do. I am also a carer for my mum which can affect reply times as well. I am dyslexic so please understand if I make spelling and grammar mistakes.
My time zone is GMT (London Time). I mainly use 3rd but can switch to 1st if needed.