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@xiaoju  /  REWARDS!  
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林彦俊 ;
林彦俊 ;
❝ 为你,千千万万遍 ❞           
-  追风筝的人
❝ 为你,千千万万遍 ❞           
-  追风筝的人
Yanjun is the product of an accident: an unlikely romance between two creatures of completely different elements, neither of whom had thought a child even possible with their conflicting natures. Fire and wood didn’t mix well, and his parents quickly realised what that would mean for him when he was born—a charred sprout barely clinging on to life, but whose spiritual power far exceeded them both.

Growing up was a harrowing experience for both him and his parents. His conflicting magic meant that he was terrifyingly frail, to the point where it seemed like they were always on the verge of losing him. Living, for Yanjun, essentially became a balancing exercise—to keep himself alive and functional, he needed to maintain a delicate balance between the two sides of his magic, but quite literally anything from a too-hard shove to a rainy day could trigger an imbalance. He wasn’t much more than a child when his parents decided to literally transplant the family, roots and all, to Magnolia Springs, in the hopes that the trees’ magical aura would help stabilise his magic and health. He remembers little of the world beyond the small town’s borders.

While it’s somewhat improved since his childhood, Yanjun’s health has never quite stopped being a problem, to the point where he decided to pursue medicine as a career out of necessity as much as passion. While he’s not human in the least, he’s found human medication surprisingly effective in relieving his symptoms, and he frankly doesn’t have the time or inclination to study potions and spells to a level where he could help himself—but a human medical degree (despite his parents’ shock at the choice) turned out to be achievable. He’s since taken up a post in the local hospital, and while he still ends up dealing with demon residents fairly often, Yanjun has always felt a connection to humans. They’re far more fragile than most of his demon peers, and while he’s a step below even humans in terms of health, he finds what they can achieve in their limited time inspiring.

At twenty-eight, Yanjun’s barely made a dent in demon years, but he’s had so many close calls already that he knows his chances of living the long, almost immortal years that demons typically enjoy are slim to none. Hell, he’ll count himself lucky if he gets to live as long as the average human. At present, though, he does his best not to dwell on the future; between moving out from his parents’ place (to share an apartment with a ghost, but still) and signing up for Imperial, he’s content with the direction his life’s taking. If he doesn’t know when it may be cut off abruptly, he just has to make sure he’s living what he can of his life to its fullest.

Presently: Yanjun is recovering from a bad spell, which took him out of commission for a couple of months. He still tires a bit more easily than usual, and is being extra cautious in case it flares up again. He doesn't want to talk too much about it, though; he came a little close to the other side for his own comfort, and he would rather avoid thinking about that. He doesn't want to be pitied either—he's long tired of sympathy, even if it comes from a good place. He'd rather dodge the topic entirely and write it off as nothing special.

There are two impressions that people can get out of Yanjun, depending on what situation they catch him in. In a professional or impersonal context, he often comes off as cold or even intimidating, and his frown makes him seem unapproachable—though that’s an an illusion that tends to fall apart the moment he smiles. He’s slow to warm up to strangers, but his friends know him much better as the second impression that some have the fortune to see right off the bat: as someone quiet, uncombative and generally sweet-natured in the way tree spirits so often are, though with a rebellious streak that’s all qilin and a horrible sense of humour that his parents have both disowned.

Yanjun doesn’t like just doing what he’s told. He won’t go out of his way to break rules, but if there’s something he wants that happens to defy them—well, rules aren’t going to stop him from going after it. He’ll accept the consequences and any punishments with grace, but at least he’ll have gotten what he wanted. On some level, this translates to his general life philosophy: after a lifetime of being told that he’ll probably die young and unfulfilled, unlike every other demon or even human he knows, Yanjun’s intent on proving everyone around him wrong. Becoming a doctor was part of that, and more than that, Yanjun’s determined to live his life as brilliantly as possible.

That said, while he does try not to leave regrets behind, the one thing Yanjun refuses to do is lead people on. He’s a romantic at heart and somewhere not particularly deep down, what he most wants to have felt before he’s gone is love. Why else did he sign up for a dating app, after all? But while he’s in it for that, he tries to make it as clear as possible to anyone who wants to be with him that they’re not going to be in for an easy ride. He’s probably not going to be able to stay with them long even if both of them want that, and he just hopes he’ll eventually find someone who’s okay with that.

#1. In Times of Need / Any Species or Gender / Open
Considering that Yanjun feels at least mildly ill more days than not, this was bound to happen at some point. He may be wary of showing too much weakness around strangers, but when he ends up stranded halfway across town feeling too sick to make his way home alone… well, he’ll take whatever help he can get, and kindly passers-by are blessings.
Note: This plot will remain open indefinitely and may be played out with multiple character(s).

#2. Vulnerability / Any Species or Gender / Open
Around a friend, Yanjun’s more willing to let his guard down. He doesn’t like burdening them, but if the comfort is offered to him, he can’t resist—it’s a side of him he doesn’t like to show just anyone, but if it’s someone he trusts, then it’s okay.
Note: This plot will remain open indefinitely and may be played out with multiple character(s).

#3. Switched Roles / Any Species or Gender / Open
He mostly became a doctor for his own benefit, but Yanjun is still dedicated to his profession. It’s a good day for him, one where he’s mostly feeling fine, but of course that’s not the case for his patient—and Yanjun’s more than willing to offer comfort or company, if they ask for it. He knows how much it to be sick, after all.
full name: lin yanjun
screen name: xiaoju
species: half-qilin, half-orange tree spirit
age: twenty-eight years old
orientation: panual
occupation: doctor, specialising in humans
status: single, but working through some complicated feelings for a certain ghost
❝for you, a thousand times over.❞
- the kite runner
Ideal Type
✿ Someone easygoing who isn’t too fussed about structure and organisation—he’s blatant about flouting or outright breaking rules.

✿ Someone who’s patient and understanding—between his health and work he can’t always make it to dates, and even if he does he sometimes cuts them short. He doesn’t want to have to constantly explain himself when he has to reschedule again. He won’t push you; please don’t push him.

✿ Someone who can let go—someone who isn’t looking for forever, because despite his species, he doesn’t have that to offer.
RP Tracker
Name / Location / Status

❀ Baekhyun / Witch Shop / In Progress
✿ Soojung / Hospital / Replied
❀ Xukun (1) / Supermarket / In Progress
✿ Xukun (2.5) / Their Apartment / Replied
✿ Minnie / Antique Shop / Replied
✿ Yifan / Train Station / Replied
✿ Jimin / Bakery / Replied

List Updated: 6:10 pm @ March 18 [GMT +8]
+ First of all, before moving on to any actual information: I'm sincerely sorry for any terrible puns I make in-character. I swear I do not have a sense of humour as terrible as Lin Yanjun himself and understand that they're really, really bad puns. Please forgive me LOL.

+ Time zone: GMT +8. I work a full-time 9-6.30 job so if I'm online between those hours, I probably shouldn't be here and won't be actually writing replies lol. On weekends and holidays I keep really, really weird hours, so my time zone's not a very good predictor of when I'll be online on those days.

+ I may not respond immediately even if online, but don't worry, I'm not ignoring you! I'm probably just busy. I'm also a slow writer and procrastinate a lot, so don't expect replies to come immediately.

+ For roleplays, if you ask, I would really appreciate it if you start. It's not an iron-set rule, though; if from the plot it seems better if I start, I'm happy to.

+I'm better at 3rd POV roleplays rather than 1st and prefer rooms over walls, but let me know if your preferences are different; I'm pretty flexible.

+ While I'll try to mirror you, I ramble a lot and my para and multi-para replies occasionally turn into novella, but I don't expect those to be mirrored under any circumstance (though feel free to do so if you'd like, of course, but no pressure).

+ I love plotting and I'm always up for an RP, so don't be afraid to ask <3