Park Chae-won
"We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks." — Emilio Estevez
Park Chae-won born into a rich family.  Her parents had 3 children and Chae-won is the youngest. They are two powerful people and asked the same of there children. Chae-won's Brother became a successful surgeon and her older sister a successful lawyer. Chae-won wanted to make art. She loves to draw and wanted to be an artist. But her parents are against it. They don't want their youngest daughter to become an artist. they don't think that's a worth a job. 

Chae-won had many fights with her parents "why can't you be more like your brother and sister." "they have a real job that pays good money" "be more like them"
She had heard it all. to make her parents happy she went to this academy and studies so she can take over her fathers business.

This 17 old girl wishes her parents would just let her follow her dream and let her make art. But her fear of disappointing others and her self-confidence are holding her down.  
She is now in second grade.
Group: Artsy~
one & Only
- Straight - Single - date -
Cras odio enim, tincidunt et ligula in, tincidunt dignissim eros. Curabitur nisl lorem, maximus nec urna sit amet, ullamcorper commodo ante. Mauris ullamcorper magna ligula, eget egestas justo pellentesque non. Cras mattis ac augue eu pulvinar. Donec fringilla, nulla at semper convallis, tellus turpis suscipit eros, in vestibulum eros leo vitae nisl.
Curabitur placerat metus nisi, sit amet malesuada odio consequat in. Proin massa magna, commodo nec lorem nec, aliquet placerat sem. Pellentesque quis erat eget tellus viverra feugiat a eu elit. Fusce eu tincidunt diam. Cras consequat eu justo id gravida. Nam eu nulla a neque sagittis elementum ac non est.
Precious Butterfly's