Personal Message

Name: Mint Phonpawiworakul
Age: 24
Occupation: Mechanic by day, drug dealer and saboteur by night 
Orientation: Panual
Personality: Fairly sweet though able to change at the drop of a hat. When she’s not getting on with her own business she’s fairlt sweet and quite the joker. When doing her work she gets very serious and adjusts her personality to suit whoever she’s trying to sell too
Background: Mint’s Thai mother vanished not long after she was born, leaving her to be raised single handedly by her father who was the member of a gang. Whilst he wasn’t with the gang he taught Mint self defense and other handy tricks, but also made sure to keep her under control, stopping her from wearing anything that made her look too weak or feminine. When Mint was 18 her father died and despite the sadness behind his death, Mint has never felt more free and now takes a lot of pride in her appearance.
Timezone: GMT
Preferred POV: 3rd but I have no issues with 1st :)