just business.
i’m only going to say this once: you agree to work under me only if you can handle me, got it? now off.

james mcavoy


thirty six




like you


not giving a /single/

out of character:

one: separate ooc from ic. i am not my character so anything he does ic does not reflect anything of me ooc. i just want respect for me and my character.

two: i am a college student so i am not going to be on all the time. don't poke me unless i haven't replied in four days.

three: strictly no ooc drama. i have anxiety so ooc drama of any sort doesn't sit well for me, especially if i really didn't do anything wrong yet you seem to be petty towards me for whatever reason you have. i respect everyone in the rps i am in so hopefully you can do the same! let's just be friends, okay? i'm really nice and i don't want to offend anyone.

four: that being said— if there is something i did that may have offended you, please tell me. i choose to accept my faults and apologize properly to the people i offended, but i often don't know when i've done something wrong so please help me make it up to you by telling me straight away.

five: my timezone is gmt+8 but i sometimes stay up till the really late hours.

six:if i am active in a certain room and haven't replied to you, please don't be upset. i will eventually get to replying.

seven: i often choose to reply to the rp i have the most muse for first. i don't want to give half-assed replies so i make sure i got the right muse for our rp before replying since quality is something that matters to me. i also don't want one-liners thrown at me when i put the effort to write my reply.

eight: I wing only in the ic chatroom, so everything else must be plotted with me through PM's.
There was certainly a point in James's life when he wasn't this ed up. I mean, that's how all characters in movies start out, right? Well, it's either they start out nice or they end up becoming nice. In James's case, he was the former... and this is the part of the film where a series of flashbacks begin to play.
James was practically born into fame with the kind of family he had. His father was a Hollywood film director while his mother was an actress in television shows. Everyone knew who his parents were due to their professions. James, on the other hand, was known as their only child who was expected to continue the legacy of his family; the legacy of getting into show business and marrying someone in it. It was a lot to take in for little James but he surely didn't want to disappoint his parents... as well as the entire world. It almost felt like every little decision he made was being watched by everyone else and if he ever were to make the wrong one, he wouldn’t be only letting down his parents but everyone else too. James tried his best not to think about it too much but it was often the only thing that goes through his mind. Thankfully enough, he at least had friends around his neighborhood that didn’t constantly remind him about all that; they made him feel like an ordinary kid without such expectations being thrown at him.
If one were a friend of James back then, they would be terribly surprised at to what he has become now. James during his childhood was a polite, generous, and kind-hearted kid. He would always apologize for upsetting people and choose his words carefully so he wouldn’t offend anyone. He was a people pleaser to say the least; always following what people want out of him so he doesn’t need to deal with them rejecting him out of disappointment. If he just did things according to what they want, then there will be no problems.
Now comes the turning point. One day, James ended up kissing one of his male friends when he was at the age of twelve. James had always taken more interest towards his male friends compared to his female friends, but he never knew that the interest he felt was actually attraction. His parents were never going to find out because James told himself that he wouldn’t speak of the event ever happening. If his parents knew— the world will most likely follow suit. Despite his efforts at trying to hide it, the parents of James’s friend ended up telling his own parents after finding out what had happened. As expected, it devastated and disappointed Mr. and Mrs. McAvoy. They couldn’t bring themselves to accept their son anymore after that since they knew how embarrassing it would be if the star couple of show business were to be known as the couple with a gay son. I mean, let’s face it— no matter how many movies they make about it, the LGBTQ+ community wasn’t entirely accepted in the Hollywood industry and that was something James always frowned upon about his parents’ line of work.
Word got out soon enough and the internet finally knew about James’s uality. James’s parents still treated their son like every responsible parent should, but the love that they tried to give him was coated with shame and James felt every bit of it. Nevertheless, James loved his parents a little too much and he somehow wanted to make them proud of him for something. So James decided to still pursue a career in the film-making industry; aiming to be a film producer in Hollywood. He knew that if he ever was going to be a producer in the future, he was going to also aim to produce LGBTQ+ films to at least change his parents’ perspective about his uality.
Once James graduated with a business management degree and a film degree, his connection with his dad easily landed him his first project. It was tough at first but James was determined to get through with this and make it a success. However, determination wasn’t enough to make a film a success and James was going to learn this the hard way. Once his first film came out, the reviews were more than James could bear. They mentioned how bad the movie was, how much of a disappintment he was to his family name, and how a gay producer really wasn’t going to succeed in this kind of business anyway. James’s parents was once again disappointed by this and James absolutely hated it.
With his mental state on the brink of sanity, James decides to turn to alcohol and to this day— it was the one decision he finds himself not regretting. These events had shaped James into the person he is today; the man who always didn’t give a what people have to say about him since he already accepted that everyone hates him; the man who was always pissed and uptight for no goddamn reason since he had been nothing but soft-hearted before; the man who always aimed for perfection in his work since all he has ever made in his life had been nothing but a garbage of mistakes.
After showing up on set completely -faced drunk, Hollywood was quick to fire James before he could finish his second project. They expected it to fail as well anyways and that only irritated James even further. Knowing that his skills can only truly be used in producing films, James sought out other options for a career where his “work ethic” can be found as acceptable as long as he was extremely skilled.
The industry he ends up in is something he isn’t proud of at all. I mean, the star son of the McAvoys being a producer for ? What a ing joke. But then again, they’re all disapponted in him to begin with, so why the should he still try to make it up to them? At least he can go to work drunk and nobody would begin questioning it. As long as he produces amazing ion material, there most definitely isn’t a problem.
James was the kind of boss you talk about to your co-workers with. You guys would be able to bond in mutual loathing and hate for him due to how vulgar and pissy he could be towards the people who work for him. Well, he actually acts like that towards everyone he meets. He knows you’re going to hate him anyways so he really pushes for the kind of attitude that makes you really hate him. If you don’t hate him, he might as well just annoy you with how cranky he is all the time. But there are actual times when James didn’t feel like dealing with people getting irritated over him, so he tends to tone down his ty personality a bit during these times. His default is usually just being grumpy and annoyed by everything that dares interact with him. His worst state is when he would completely lash out over something that pissed him off to an extreme degree.
A very notable trait about James was the fact that he was a perfectionist when it came to his work. He would be working his off to make sure scenes are to be executed perfectly. He doesn’t care if they got to do the whole scene all over again; they will have to do it over and over until James is satisfied enough with the results.
It actually seems like James doesn’t have any positive traits to bring onto the table at this point but believe it or not— James actually gives a about the people he works with in a tough love kind of way. If the cast ever needed someone to run their lines over with, James would be more than willing to volunteer. If one of his staff members came to work with a cold, he will literally force them to take the day off. James takes his job very seriously and he will do everything in his power to help out if it meant the film he’s trying to produce will come out better.
If you somehow miraculously get on James’s good side and actually befriend him, he wouldn’t exactly change his grumpy attitude since he always is and always will be that way, but he will tone it down a notch for sure. His constantly annoyed state would be more tolerable than it was before.
His time in the -making industry was actually filled with quite a number of successfully produced films to the point that having him as a producer is quite a big deal as it is despite the way he acts towards everyone. So if you ever were to find out you’re going to be part of project with James as the producer, you would most likely be surprised at the news since it is exaggerated by people that being part of James’s team was an honor at most. James has also been told that he can make the stupidest ideas into great .
To give out additional info on James, he is quite good at cooking and baking despite the fact that he is often seen eating nothing but cup noodles and pre-made sandwiches found in convenience stores. James is allergic to dogs and is also a cat person because of this. He enjoys watching reality tv shows or reading manga when he’s got nothing better to do. James also has a fear of heights. It’s cliché, yes, but that’s probably the reason why he never tells anyone about it up until they find out for themselves the moment they bring James to the highest floor and he accidentally ends up looking down from the window.
plot one ( title / genre ): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
plot two ( title / genre ): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
plot three ( title / genre ): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
name: Lorem ipsum 
date:  Lorem ipsum 
message:Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit .