Personal Message

OOC Note - I will not be participating in romance or with Yohdi. I'm still not fully comfortable roleplaying as a male presenting character.

Kondo Yohdi || Yohdi || 18 || 179cm || Aual || Highly advanced android || Benefactor of and hacker for The Phantom Cobras

Yohdi was never born, his parents were much too controlling for that... They wanted to make sure that their son was completely perfect, and with their wealth they had him made for them.
A perfect little Android that would grow and age and mature like a human, but more intelligent, more attractive, stronger... Everything a human couldn't be. Of course they didn't go above board to get him, and Yohdi doesn't have any limiters or triggers, making him an illegal Android, not that anyone is aware, very few can even tell he's an android at all...
