
Lee Sejin
Orientation: Host-e
Never having met his father, Sejin was raised by his drug addict of a mother or more like he was the one who had to raise her ever since she went downhill once again due to depression. From the age of 14 he had to care for his mother, pay her hospital bills whenever she had an overdose using money from his savings that were limited and only lasted for a year since they came from some of his part time jobs. He couldn't afford to lose her but it didn't seem like she would recover by herself either, she needed professional help. That was the reason he dropped out of highschool and forgot about his dream of attending college someday, first he had to make sure his mother would get in a rehabilitation cente. Out of desperation he accepted a shady job offer just because it promised him a good salary in a small ammount of time. It was supposed to be easy, just entertain some customers, keep them company and make them buy expensive drinks. He was only supposed to do it for a while, until he managed to pay the rehabilitation centre. Once he begun, he figured there was no way back. At first it was like a dream, too good to be true. Everything was how the man had described to him, he flirted with the customers, sometimes sang a few karaoke songs for them and it only took a couple of moths to get his mother in the most prestigious rehabilitation centre of the capital while he was still able to afford renting a studio room for himself. It didn't hurt if he stayed there for a little more, until he saved a few more bucks to add to his savings for the tuition fees. Slowly he climbed the ladder, becoming among the most popular hosts of all the hostclubs in town. The money were more than enough to maintain both himself and his mother but he became greedy, somehow there were still a lot more hosts who made triple the ammount of money or even more for no apparent reason, customers kept asking for them. He was 20 when he received his first offer and realized that was the reason. His acquaintances told him it was a normal method to keep the wealthier customers coming for them. He would be a fool to waste such opportunity and sadly he didn't. Now, at 23, it is too late to turn back to his normal life, he is already in too deep, being involved with all kind of powerful people including politicians and some of the mafia as well. He's ashamed of what he has become and even though he attends a college, he knows his higher ups won't ever let him quit hosting no matter what. He keeps his occupation hidden from everyone close to him which is why he hasn't made any friends or even has any relationships, keeping a safe distance from people so they won't get to know him. Even if there are rumors about his background he shakes them off with a fake smile.