Personal Message


role :  citizen 
occupation : Owner of the bakery


  • Lee Donghyuck
  • 20
  • Citizen
  • Homoual
  • Sub, Bottom


  • Sweet: Would do anything for anyone (hide them from cops, give them food, etc)
  • Obedient: Does as he's told, usually without question
  • Out Going: Very out there, talkative, but not extremely loud


  • Clumsy: Tends to trip or drop things, usually gets upset about it
  • Overly Curious: Has a natural curiosity and likes to ask a lot of questions
  • Stubborn: Though obedient... He does have moments where he's very stubborn and won't do as he's told


  • Grew up in a pretty normal situation.
  • Parents had a lot of debt to Chrysós Vasiliás, which he is still trying to pay off desperately
  • Super paranoid, usually wears a mask when giving monthly payments to the gang... Locks every window of his apartment and double locks his doors
  • Runs the bakery that his parents borrowed money to start up, which is the debt he's paying off
  • Has all of his employees trained to not force ANY members of ANY gang to pay for baked goods