Personal Message
role : citizen
occupation : Personal Assistant
note : previous member of aureo rosa, a pimp, master rank

Plot Tracker:

b andy - bakery: Need to Reply 
c tzuyu - Bar:Replied
z niki - mall: Replied

Age: 26
-feels guilt easily now that he is an adult
-kind hearted and friendly. He likes to make sure that those around him are well
-likes to get to know others
-can have quite the temper when necessary (and sometimes when not. It is best to just not put him in that position)
-although this was a good trait, its also bad. Guilt. It can get him into a rather hair situation when it comes to the mob
-lost in life. He's only known one thing through his 20s, it is a newer life for him now, and he doesn't know what to do.

Hoseok was a good student through his high-school years, not only did he have the brains, but he was quite the talker. At the age of 16, he had convinced just about anyone to think in his way, just because he was able to formulate his thoughts in such a manner for others to agree.
As he got older, this smooth-talking was both a blessing...and a curse. By the age of 18, Hoseok was scouted by the known mafia group Aureo Rosa. Thankfully, not as a e, but as a scout. With his charmed words he could lure women and men alike with ease, making them believe that ion was the way, or even just trick them into thinking they'd have a night with him.

Hoseok was at the prime age of 22 when he was promoted to be a pimp. And it was at this time that he got to know the es better. With his overseeing their every need, seeing the state that they were in, the violence that some had to endure...guilt crept into his heart. After about 3 years of being a pimp, Hoseok finally left the mob group. He no longer wanted a part in ruining the lives of the men and women that did not want to be ed. If he left, then maybe he wouldn't be at fault anymore?

However, this lifestyle was something that he had grown used to. He didn't know anything else. Sure he had attended college (it was more so forced upon him) but he didn't know how to move on in life. What was a real job like? What was he supposed to do in this world?

For now, Hoseok works for a business man as his personal assistant. Thankfully, the pay is good enough for Hoseok to continue to live comfortably. But even so, he cannot help but feel that there is something better he could be doing.





j hoseok 21 hours ago Reply 

(Connection: ex-coworkers)

----> min age 21
-----> e

You were on of the men/women that Hoseok had lured to become a e back in his scouting days. Then, you had trusted him, and maybe even taken a liking to him, only to be turned into a fool. One day, you noticed that, despite his becoming a no longer had seen him around. One would think that becoming such a thing would cause you to see him more. However, it becomes clear that he left the mob to have a more "normal" life.

The night you find out, you see him walking home in the dead of the night wearing obvious white-collared clothing and possibly a wee bit drunk. Do you take revenge on him for making you into what you have become, or do you try to catch up?

(Open to many things, please pm for details)