Personal Message
role : mafia 
occupation : uni student
alias : riot

position : Attacker
rank : intermediate










There were days when you peered into yourself, into the secret places of your heart, and what you saw there made you faint with horror. And then, the next day, you didn't know what to make of it; you couldn't interpret the horror that you had glimpsed the day before. Yes, you know what evil costs.

— jean-paul sartre, no exit
out of character
writing style

I only ever write in third POV, and can do novella, but would rather not. For faster replies, one to three para replies are ideal, but I do go longer if the muse is high. Novellas will warrant longer response time.


PM to plot, no wall posts. I prefer discussing things in private. If there's something you want to happen in our plot, please let me know beforehand, because I absolutely hate getting caught off guard.


My favorite genres are angst and drama, but I'm open for and action (which I'm new at, but I'll do my best). For this character, fluff plots are kind of... unlikely, since he's not very friendly, but slice of life and such is good too.. 

basic information
full name
ko shinwon
twenty two
business major
chrysos vasilias
writing pov
third detailed
part one

If you ask Ko Shinwon what his childhood was like, it's likely that he won't really have an answer for you. If anything, his answer will be a glare and a pointed " off."

His childhood was spent staring at the small TV in the cramped, dingy living room of his parents' house, waiting for his mother to come and feed him dinner, whilst simultaneously praying that his father wouldn't come home. His father was one of those typical alcoholics, you see, and rather than have to deal with the drunken ramblings of an old man, Shinwon's mother would work nonstop, often spending the night elsewhere. It goes without saying that Shinwon led a childhood lacking love, which is where he supposes all his issues stemmed from. Not that he cares, or that it matters, of course.

His parents weren't even close to well off, so Shinwon attended a public elementary school that just so happened to be filled with children just like him. Children whose parents neglected them, or even worse, abused them. Shinwon was just a face in the crowd of many unfortunate children — that is, until he fought back against a bigger child that threatened to take what little money he had. Even back as a child, Shinwon had been a fierce and merciless fighter. Despite the several warnings from his teachers, and punches from his father, Shinwon continued on his path to becoming an infamous bully, often picking on older kids and beating them up as a way to vent out the anger and abuse he faced at home.

part two

Middle school was a bit different. His parents enrolled him into yet another public school, where there were stronger and bigger kids. Shinwon had faced many losses in brawls and fights with them, so he'd steal money from those he'd picked on in order to enroll himself in Muay Thai classes. Ever the quick learner, Shinwon was able to get the skills he needed rather quickly, and became famous yet again for being an unbeatable young boy within the school.

It was then that Shinwon got in leagues with the wrong people — admiring his fierce skills, he joined a group of teenagers and young adults that terrorized civilians. He learned different fighting styles and martial arts, too — the most notable one being Krav Maga, which he'd use in battles where his opponent particularly pissed him off.

By the time Shinwon was in high school, he was notorious for being a merciless street brawler. He was almost expelled several times, but because of his excellent, bordering on genius grades, his school kept him as long as he wouldn't lay a hand on any of the students. That was no problem, because by the time Shinwon was 15, his friends from the underground urged him to participate in brawling competitions, where he'd get paid for every battle he won. He quickly became a regular in these competitions, taking on the alias Riot.

At age 19, Riot's record was 72 wins — 3 losses.

part three

Miraculously (read: with a few thinly veiled threats to his teachers), Shinwon was able to get into college with a scholarship. By the time he graduated high school, his parents had learned of his street brawling and decided to disown him. Shinwon had no particular feelings about being on the streets — it was much more liberating without having his father around to beat him (although he'd taken worse hits). With the money he'd made from his battles, he moved into a small, dingy apartment, continuing his street brawling gigs.

It was then that he came into contact with a member of Chrysos Vasilias. In such a small apartment, it was easy to tell what exactly your neighbors were up to, and Shinwon's identity as Riot was soon revealed. After yet another victorious brawl, the member of Chrysos Vasilias recruited him as an attacker, offering to back him up in college and pay for whatever expenses he might need.

However, things don't always go as planned. After catching the attention of a hitman in Corvus, Shinwon was caught by the police in the middle of one of his underground brawls, and was taken into custody. It didn't take long for him to realize who had given them the anonymous tip — it was that annoying woman from Corvus. Shinwon promptly spent six months in jail before being released on "good behavior" (read: threats from Shinwon, and moles within the police department giving into his gang's demands).

Today, Shinwon continues his street brawling as a side gig, threatening any that fail to pay their debts on time. He's heard all the sob stories, seen all the tears — by this time, he's immune to it all. Shinwon has no pity for the people he terrorizes — all that matters to him is his gang, and the money that they give him.


To put in very simplified terms, Shinwon has anger issues that he releases on his opponents.

surprisingly observant. it might not be expected, but shinwon has a tendency to analyze the situation and the people he's speaking with before jumping into it. he's not as brash as he looks.
learns incredibly quickly. in fights, shinwon often analyzes his opponent's styles and uses it to his own advantage, sometimes even mirroring their attacks. he also used his quick learning ability in his education, which is why he was able to graduate despite his constant brawls.
adapts easily. in more formal settings, shinwon is quite good at acting and pretending to be a more polite, agreeable person. key word: pretending.
has anger issues. will often blow up at people if they make the slightest offense against him. he usually takes this out on his opponents, beating them mercilessly more often than not.
thoughtlessly honest. when not in formal settings, shinwon will speak the truth, but in a direspectful manner. his way of addressing people is often boorish, and he's only "polite" with the people who have earned his respect.
complete dickhead. yep, that's it. he's basically an and has no consideration for others whatsoever.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturien.


muay thai, krav maga, brazilian jiu jitsu, taekwondo, combat sambo, bacom, vale tudo, silat, knife expert.


if you'd like to form a connection with me, don't hesitate to pm!
hwang minhyun.
— shinwon's sort of ex, who had wanted to slice him open, claiming that it was "necessary" for them to be together. shinwon promptly left him, but there are still lingering feelings.
bae joohyun.
— the member of corvus who had given an anonymous tip to the police, which landed shinwon six months in jail. he currently despises her, and constantly attempts to kill her.
— neutral territory; arena (replied).

full name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis.
